Traitor before the flash she spoke to the British London

Traitor, before the flash, she spoke to the British London

“Don’t you hate living in a lie?” Only my heart told me to do it”

The demolition of Marina Ovsyannikova began immediately. The day after his sensational incursion into studying the evening news of Pervyj Kanal, the premier channel of Russian public television, the hypothesis apparently nurtured by some of his former colleagues had begun to circulate the hypothesis that it was about was a fiction. A socalled false flag agreed to show how dissent can find space even when nobody expects it.

The conspiracy theory didn’t stand up for obvious reasons. So here comes the accusation of being a “foreign agent. His deputy director Kirill Kleimyonov thought about this with sharp words. “Before she did what Marina did, as far as we know, she spoke to the British Embassy. Have any of you had telephone interviews with a foreign embassy? Not at a visa office, but with an official, even if he was, as it is said, dressed in civilian clothes. I, for example, have never done it before. Where the journey is headed is clear to the supervisor of the suddenly worldfamous journalist. “I don’t summon spies. But betrayal is a personal choice that cannot be avoided. I’m just saying you have to say bread to bread, that’s all. An emotional rush is one thing, betrayal is quite another. And if someone betrays his country and, moreover, all the people he has worked with for almost 20 years, he does so coolly, with precise calculation and for a clearly agreed reward”. In line, the last poison. “By the way,” says Kleymonov. “The woman with the cartel chose the day of her salary payment for her action so as not to lose the money owed her.”

The accusation was reported by the Russian media, including in “his” news on Channel One. Marina responded immediately and spoke to the independent website Meduza. And without going backwards. “The true patriot am I. I did what I did only because my heart told me to. 115 children have already died in Ukraine, and more are still dying. And Russian soldiers are dying too, children too, like my son. As a mother, I can’t help but cry. This is the only reason for my protest ».

The BBC contacted the British Foreign Office in London. Who denied with some harshness that he had ever contacted the journalist. “This is another lie being propagated by the disinformation machine.” In the evening, Ovsyannikova allowed herself a more personal defense tinged with bitterness. «Not a word of truth! Not one. I am ashamed that I worked with the person who supports these things. Kirill Kleimyonov knows very well that the decision was mine alone. How miserable are you all. But don’t you hate living in a lie?”. The outbreak appeared on blogger Kseniya Sobchak’s Telegram channel. She is the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak, the former mayor of St. Petersburg who died in 2008. The man who launched Vladimir Putin’s political career.

March 21, 2022 (Modification March 22, 2022 | 09:23)