Alexei Navalny found guilty of major fraud by Moscows Lefortvovo

Alexei Navalny sentenced to 9 years in prison: “Putin is afraid of the truth”. His lawyers were arrested outside the court

The leader of the Russian opposition Alexei Navalny was sentenced to do so 9 years of prison. The court Lefortovo of Moscow found him guilty”fraud on a large scale”. The hearing took place in prison Pokrova prison colony east of Moscow where Navalny is actually located already arrested for about a year for other fees. Shortly after the verdict, the Russian police arrested i two lawyers of the opponent: The correspondent of the newspaper Novaya Gazeta reports that the lawyers, Olga Mikhailova and Vadim Kobzev, were taken away by officers immediately after answering reporters’ questions. The Russian President Wladimir Putin “He’s afraid of the truth,” was Navalny’s comment immediately after the verdict was announced. The 45yearold was also found guilty of contempt of court and the judge ruled he must pay one fine Of 1.2 million rubles.

The main Russian opponent a Putin was recently added to the list of terrorists and extremists conscripted by the institution Rosfin monitoring, the Federal Service for Financial Supervision. In January, the arrest for the brother Oleg. In August 2020, Navalny was the victim of one poisoning with the nerve gas Novichokwho killed him. Analyzes of German specialists had found traces of it neurotoxin to the bottle of water provided free of charge by the hotel in which he is staying, a Tomsk.

Navalny is currently serving another sentence of 2 and a half years: His aides said the retrial was designed to keep Navalny behind bars As long as possible. Navalny apparently rejected the allegations as false. “horrified from the news that Sakharov Prize Alexei Navalny has been found guilty in a new farce trial. This is one socket then round of justice. We ask for yours release immediate‘ the President of the European Parliament wrote in a tweet. Robert Metsola. “We stand by him and all Russians who oppose it corruptionto despotism and to war“, he added.

And also the spokesman for the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson defines the set as the result of “fabricated claims“. “Our thoughts are with Aleksei Navalny and his familywhile continuing to show a incredible courage in resistance to the Kremlin regime, the spokesman said. The fraud and contempt of court charges of which Navalny was found guilty today are just “other fabricated allegations that Putin is leveling at anyone who tries to call him reply his deeds”.

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