Kremlin spokesman Peskov to CNN We dont want to occupy

Kremlin spokesman Peskov to CNN: “We don’t want to occupy Ukraine. nuclear weapons? Only if Russia is really threatened

“Russia will only use nuclear weapons if its existence is threatened,” says Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who in an exclusive interview with CNN tried to ward off the voices of several Western analysts describing the Russian advance with increasing difficulty: “The special operation in Die Ukraine is proceeding as planned added Peskov, as reported by the TASS agency in accordance with their tasks”. This is an opportunity for the Kremlin spokesman to reiterate the true aim of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Peskov, the Russian army will not remain in the country with the intention of occupying it militarily, but as in the case of Mariupol, the aim is “to rid the city of nationalist units”. Therefore, referring to the alleged delays, Peskov clarified: “From the very beginning, nobody thought that the operation in Ukraine would last a few days”. Peskov also claims that there are Ukrainians who work with the Russian army: “They want to avoid casualties and are in contact with our military. If you don’t shoot at our soldiers, if you don’t try to kill them, no one will touch you. On the origin of the conflict, Peskov said the Russian response was an inevitable response because “Ukraine intended to launch a military operation against Donbass itself.”


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