March 23, 2022 12:07
“Mykolayiv is controlled by Ukrainians, Russians are 40 km away”
“The city is clearly under the control of the Ukrainian army, Mykolayiv it is currently relatively safe. There were bombings. Russian troops are a 40 kilometers from here, they took villages around the city. This was stated by the spokesman for the Ukrainian amphibious assault forces at the request of Ansa Yaroslav Chepurnoy.
March 23, 2022 12:00 p.m
Poland expels 45 Russian diplomats
there Poland expelled i 45 Russian diplomats accused espionage. For the Polish Agency for Internal Security (ABW), “they are actually conducting intelligence activities against Poland.” “The step will not go unanswered,” said the Kremlin spokesman. Dmitry Peskov.
March 23, 2022 11:56 am
Lavrov: “NATO peacekeeping mission would lead to direct confrontation”
The deployment of the peacekeeping force Born in Ukraine would lead to “one direct confrontation between the armed forces of the Russian Federation and those of the allied countries,” said the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrovin a speech today in Moscow.
March 23, 2022 11:41 am
Zelenskyj in Tokyo: “More sanctions”
“Retain print on Russia by a Attract of sanctions it will allow a return to peace in a country where no one has any confidence in their future. The President of Ukraine said so Volodymyr Zelenskyin a video link with the Japanese Parliament.
March 23, 2022 11:34 am
EU gives green light to state aid for expensive energy
Green light from Brussels for the new temporary crisis framework State Aid to support European businesses and the most affected sectors love energy exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. “We need to mitigate the economic impact of that war and support hardhit companies and industries. And we must act in a coordinated manner. The Commission will allow Member States to use this flexibility State aid rules to address this unprecedented situation while protecting the parity of the conditions in the internal market”, stressed the EU Vice President, Margaret Vestager.
March 23, 2022 11:31 am
Convoy seized, officers taken hostage
Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Irina VereshchukShe gave more details on social media seizure of humanitarian convoy to Mariupol: “Unfortunately, the occupying forces broke the agreement and did not allow buses to evacuate the residents of Mariupol from the village Nikolske and from the village Melekino“, he said. “The occupiers also took hostages 4 officers (of the rescue service) e 11 drivers. We ask the International Committee of Red Cross and at United Nations to do everything urgent so that our people are released immediately, Vereshchuk concluded.
March 23, 2022 11:03 am
Odessa Army: “Moscow is attacking, but let’s check the situation”
“There position it is now under control. The aggression of Russia it grows day by day, but thanks to our defense system everything is like that under control“. Speaking to ANSA, the spokesman for the Ukrainian army for the Odessa region underlined that: Sergei Brachuk. On the EU’s role in the war, Bratchuk stated that it was “deliberately the firm support of civil society and European leaders”. “I believe that Europe will follow what has been said in it conditions Aid, in particular for the deployment of antiaircraft systems. We are waiting for them and will probably receive others in them next days“, has explained.
March 23, 2022 11:01 am
Moscow: “US forces UN states to vote against Russia”
the conditions United they use methods “below their belts” to force UN countries to vote “as they wish” against it Russia. This was announced by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He brings it back Ria Novosti. “Americans are putting pressure on big countries and threatening to do so interrupt Trade relations or sanctions, he said. Not only. For Lavrov, “we need to work on the idea of moving the United Nations headquarters from the United States to a ‘neutral country’.”
March 23, 2022 10:44 am
“In convoy also hostage officers”
Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Iryna Vereshchukprovided more details about the seizure of the convoy humanitarian in Mariupol: “Unfortunately, the forces of occupation violated the agreement and did not allow buses to evacuate Mariupol residents from the village Nikolske and from the village Melekino“, he said. “There is eleven bus he explained and two vehicles of the state rescue service, which were seized at a Russian checkpoint at the entrance to the city Mangush and taken in an unknown direction. the inmates They also took 4 officers (from the emergency services) and 11 drivers hostage. We ask them committee International of the Red Cross and on United Nations to do everything urgent so that our people are freed immediately, he concluded Vereshchuk.