The owner of a surf school who “killed his two children” told the FBI he believed he was Neo from The Matrix

A California a surf instructor accused of killing his two children with a speargun in a Mexico the resort said FBI agents after his arrest in August he believed he was Neo of the Matrix, reveals a recently issued search warrant.

In an interview with federal agents last summer, 40-year-old Matthew Taylor Coleman, who became obsessed with the conspiracy group of the alt-right QAnon before killing the children Kaleo, 2, and Roxy, ten months, “discussed time travel, teleportation, [his kids] telling him about putting the babies in fireworks, food and walls, “the file said.

According to an order filed in U.S. District Court for California County on Feb. 17, Coleman told agents after admitting to the double murder, saying he was “either crazy or the only person left on Earth who is a real man.” .

Explaining why he killed his two children, Coleman mentioned during the interview that “Q” actually talked to him “before the killings,” the document said, citing the anonymous online figure of the same name who launched the conspiracy movement in 2017

California surf instructor Matthew Coleman, who admitted to killing his two children with a spearfishing gun at a Mexican resort because they had

California surf instructor Matthew Coleman, who admitted to killing his two children with a spearfishing gun at a Mexican resort because they had “snake DNA”, told FBI agents after his arrest in August that he believed he was Neo from The Matrix, a recently issued search warrant. reveals

In an interview with federal agents, the 40-year-old Coleman, who was obsessed with the conspiracy group QAnon before killing children Kaleo, 2 and Roxy, for ten months,

In an interview with federal agents, the 40-year-old Coleman, who was obsessed with the conspiracy group QAnon before killing children Kaleo, 2 and Roxy, for ten months, “discusses time travel, teleportation, [his kids] telling him about putting the babies in fireworks, food and walls, “the file said. His wife, Abby, reported them missing days before the double murder

The report then reveals the morning of the murder,

The report then reveals the morning of the murder, “while he was in Mexico – before he killed his children – Coleman was lying in bed, seeing all the pieces decode as The Matrix.”

The group claims, among other things, that the Kabbalah of Cannibal Democrats currently leads a global group on sexual abuse of children and offers conspiracies on topics ranging from vaccines and government, child pornography and the presidency, which family members say Coleman snarled at. of his crimes.

The recent submission sheds new light on Coleman’s downward spiral before the double murder, revealing unprecedented texts from the owner of Lovewater Surf Co. in Santa Barbara on the morning of the murder next to his wife Abby Coleman, who reported him and their two children disappeared two days earlier, on August 7.

After not returning his wife’s whereabouts for more than 48 hours, Coleman sent her a stream of strange text as she lay in bed with her two children at the City Express Hotel, a Christian resort in Rosarito, Mexico, shortly after 3 a.m. offering a look at his shattered thinking, the document reveals

“Hello, darling, I miss you too,” reads one of the texts sent in the early hours of August 9, the day of the murder, according to documents.

“Things were rough, but they were also starting to clear up. I’m still confused about a lot of things and processing through them.

“So many crazy thoughts are going through my head right now that it’s hard to explain,” he continued, adding that he brings a little clarity through my grandmothers. [sic] old bibles.

Coleman admitted to the FBI that he killed his son Kaleo (left), two, and his daughter Roxy (right), 10 months old, in August.

Coleman admitted to the FBI that he killed his son Kaleo (left), two, and his daughter Roxy (right), 10 months old, in August.

Coleman, who had told investigators he killed the pups because they had “snake DNA”, continued: “Anyway, he was still thinking of burning them if he had [sic] chip in them or something.

“I will continue to process everything and hope to get some answers.”

He then offered his wife a four-year-old ominous sign, seemingly predicting the horrific actions he would take later in the day, in the last message he would ever send her.

“I hope all this madness is over soon. I love you, “Coleman wrote, according to the order, before killing his children just hours later.

The document also revealed that after being detained by officers after returning to the United States two days later, Coleman told agents he began noticing “strange coincidences” five or six days before the killings.

According to the order, Coleman discussed with investigators “the conspiracy theories of QAnon and the Illuminati, as well as Strong’s numbers (index of every word in the Bible),” before telling them that he had experienced “visions and signs reveal that his wife possessed snake DNA. . ‘

Coleman lived in Santa Barbara, California with his wife and two children.  He left on August 7 and stayed at the City Express Hotel in Rosarito, Mexico.  Two days later, he was arrested after trying to return to the United States at the San Isidro checkpoint for the murder of his two children.

Coleman lived in Santa Barbara, California with his wife and two children. He left on August 7 and stayed at the City Express Hotel in Rosarito, Mexico. Two days later, he was arrested after trying to return to the United States at the San Isidro checkpoint for the murder of his two children.

He also told investigators that he suspected his wife of being a dressmaker, “and passed it on to her children, and that everything points to the idea that his children have damaged the DNA that will spread if something is not done. the question. ”

The agent who wrote the report, Joseph Hamer, noted that “Coleman explained that he was either crazy or the only person left on Earth who was a real man” during the interrogation.

The report then reveals that “while he was in Mexico – before he killed his children – Coleman was lying in bed, seeing how all the pieces were decoded as The Matrix.”

He told investigators that his real name was Neo. M. Coleman “and discusses time travel, teleportation” and testified that his children warned him “about babies who are placed in fireworks, food and walls.”

Coleman went on to claim that Q – the name of the anonymous account whose 2017 publication on the 4Chan image-sharing site sparked the QAnon movement – communicated directly with him, telling agents that he “eventually … saw the big a picture that was supposed to kill his children to prevent them from becoming an alien species that would free the massacre above Earth.

Coleman “said he knew what he had done was wrong, but it was the only course of action that would save the world,” according to the documentation.

Border agents arrested Coleman (right) after he tried to cross from Tijuana to the United States at the port of San Isidro.  Pictured: Coleman with his wife Abby (left) and their son Kaleo

Border agents arrested Coleman (right) after he tried to cross from Tijuana to the United States at the port of San Isidro. Pictured: Coleman with his wife Abby (left) and their son Kaleo

During the interview, Coleman demonstrated a series of manual signals that he believed proved that someone was part of the conspiracy and showed their fidelity, according to the order.

He said he scrolled through Instagram and took screenshots of various people making hand signs, and although he said he no longer uses Facebook, he did a search on a friend’s account and saw a photo of him taking one from gestures over his eye.

Coleman told agents he “knows the whole thing is a setup” and “they’re using people” to catch him.

When agents spoke to Abby Coleman, she explained that the two had “studied QAnon” and that Coleman had become “significantly more paranoid that the people around him were involved in a conspiracy.”

She said that Coleman “started doing a lot of research on church leaders and found that they may have been part of a conspiracy” and that he linked “church leaders” to people in their community and to some from their best friends.

Coleman told police that Abby, along with the couple’s mutual friends, were “all together in this thing,” the order continued.

Two days later, Coleman was detained by federal agents at the port of San Isidro, California. when he re-entered the country from Mexico.

The day before, investigators found the remains of his 2-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter, Kaleo and Roxy, found at a ranch in Baja California.

In a follow-up interview with the FBI, Coleman admitted to stabbing Caleo and Roxy to death with a harpoon, saying he dumped their bloody clothes in a trash can near Tijuana, according to the order.

A friend of Coleman’s, identified in the order as “AM,” also spoke to the FBI and confirmed that Coleman had begun to see “signs” prompting him to do things at almost every turn.

There were suspicious Instagram posts from “musicians, teachers and friends”, AM said, saying Coleman had told him, and that the people who signaled by hand in the photos Coleman noticed were “evil, disguised as good.”

Coleman, who is currently being held in federal prison without bail, appeared in court on September 9 for the double murder.  He is due to appear again on May 19

Coleman, who is currently being held in federal prison without bail, appeared in court on September 9 for the double murder. He will reappear on May 19

During the interview, Coleman showed the interviewing agents several hand signals or signs that he said “were an indication that someone was part of the conspiracy and was showing his loyalty.”

He told officials “he scrolled through Instagram and took screenshots of people making these hand signals or signs,” according to the file.

According to the document, Coleman showed AM a photo from Instagram, in which AM’s friends make peaceful signs, insisting that AM is “loyal” and “can’t see that he is controlled.”

The anonymous friend also told the agents about the call he received from Abby a few hours after Coleman left for Mexico, asking him to come to their house.

“When he arrived,” the order reveals, Abby showed Coleman’s friend “a picture of him and his friends when he was about 13,” “makes hand gestures.”

“Based, at least in part, on these hand gestures,” the order continued, “AM said [Abby] accused him of “participating in it”, urging her to evict him from the Coleman family home.

The search warrant required permission from a federal agent judge to review Coleman’s private activities on Facebook, hoping to learn more about the case.

Coleman, who is currently being held in federal prison without bail, is due to appear in court on May 19.