what his face reveals

what his face reveals


The faces of the two warring leaders Wladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, they say very different things about their personality. He said so Abele Contu, Face Reading Expert, owned by Adnkronos. Referring to the President of Ukraine, he explained: “Zelensky’s face and facial expressions show great control, but also a fragility. He embodies the role of the ‘perfect president’ well, but there’s a line in his gaze that occasionally gives way: if you watch him as he speaks, you notice a brief ‘blackout’ at moments.’

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On Putin instead: “The gaze is fixed, unscratchable, like that of a pit bull, to indicate complete and longterm clarity of intentions. A steely consciousness is evident. “A real psychoemotional identity kit the one drawn by the expert on the basis of television images. However, the difference between the two presidents is stark. Analyzing Zelensky’s face, Contu explained that “life force with agency” arises. However, despite his intention to present himself as the “perfect president”, his gaze is visible “a possibility of weakness, or rather, the possibility of giving up at any moment. Everything would depend on his position: “The moment the need for his role fails, he could collapse.

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Zelensky also often seemed agitated: “He gestures a lot when he talks he moves his hands, moves his head, unlike his opponent “actually, according to Contus Identikit”, in his speeches he tends to be firmly anchored. Keep your hands still, rest firmly on your desk, or hold onto a microphone. The determination is evident in all his attitudes. There is no gesture that eludes and does not allow the gaze to be read. And finally: “His vision is longterm and Fear does not affect him“.

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