Subaru owner whose car was destroyed by Teslas jump achieves

Subaru owner whose car was destroyed by Tesla’s jump achieves GoFundMe goal

Jordan Hook explained at a GoFundMe post he set up to raise money for a new car that he had just spent $ 5,000 to replace Subaru’s blown-out motor, and as a result his savings were wiped out. Did. Forester was his only means of transportation. In short, the stunt was sacrificing his mobility. But in just two days, Hook’s fundraiser brought in $ 22,551, helping him reach his original $ 20,000 goal. This should allow him to replace the wrecked car. It feels like a rare bright spot throughout Tesla’s Jump Saga. This is controversial as an internet personality came back shortly after trying to claim a jump credit. ..

The fundraiser itself caused its own controversy, as Hook first posted a video of the jump and its aftermath as evidence of context and his predicament. YouTuber Alex Choi responded with a copyright infringement allegation to remove the video from the fundraiser. Choi later, With deleted tweetsHe said he had filed a DMCA allegation because the fundraiser was “damaging” to suggest that he had organized a stunt, but he denied it. Next, YouTuber donated $ 2,000 to Hook’s campaign and commented, “I want you to get the service of justice. That’s all the advertising revenue you get from my videos.” Not happy with allowing Hee-seop Choi to make the best donation on the page, the contributor subsequently donated $ 2,001.

Drive asked Hook for comment, but didn’t get a response in time for the release. Justice hasn’t been offered yet, as no one is responsible for jumping Tesla, but at least Hook can get a new car. It’s not a happy ending, but it’s much better than it was a few days ago.

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