Italian researchers test effect of heat on fertility.webp

Italian researchers test effect of heat on fertility

Italian researchers test effect of heat on fertility.webpRome, July 1st.- Excessive heat puts male fertility at risk, shows a study recently carried out in Italy by experts from the University of Padua, reported by the Adnkronos news agency.

The research showed how the rise in temperature affects the E2F1 gene, suggesting that changes in it lead to a greater predisposition to infertility, abnormalities in the testicles and even testicular cancer, the source points out.

Professor Carlo Foresta, principal researcher at this university center, stressed that the study is based on the fact that E2F1 is responsible for regulating cell division and is heavily involved in sperm production.

The latter decreases as the temperature rises, so the scrotum, where the testicles are located, maintains an average temperature 2 degrees Celsius lower than the rest of the body, the specialist said.

Foresta coordinated the work of the team responsible for this study, which included Alberto Ferlin, Director of the Complex Operative Unit of Andrology and Reproductive Medicine of Padua, a city in the northern Veneto region. (LP)


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