1656665475 Sanremo 2023 the coup is imminent the name will stay

Sanremo 2023, the coup is imminent: the name will stay with us for many years to come

Incredible news for Sanremo 2023. Indeed, an impressive name is emerging for the famous festival of Italian music

preparations for theEdition 2023 of Sanremo Festival. amadeus He prepares several tricks up his sleeve, which he gradually shares. In fact, it was he himself who recently revealed who will be by his side on the first and final nights of the festival.

Sanremo 2023 comes the coup

A surprise for everyone when we heard the name Chiara Ferragni ready to live this new adventure. Now it seems that it was proposed along with amadeusa new face for the next edition of the Sanremo Festival. But who is it? We’re talking about this girl that we’ve met lately as a protagonist in the house of Big brother VIP.

A woman who was always trying in every way possible to carve her place on the small screen until she began her career as an worshipers of men and women. Despite everything, she did not give up and tried by all means to achieve the long-awaited success. By attending for the first time Beijing Express and then to The island of the famouseven if it was not perceived as hoped.

A real blow for Sanremo 2023

Sanremo 2023 comes the coup

So he tried to try again turn on the headlights about them, through their participation in the Big Brother. This was a very fruitful opportunity for her, which allowed her to make herself known for her way of doing things as well. Sure, it was an accomplice too triangle in which he took part Alex Belli and Delia Duran.

Many will have understood by now that we are talking about her, about Soleil rises, a woman who has managed to make her mark on the small screen in the past year. In fact, after the adventure at the GfVip house, she rolled up her sleeves and we viewed her work as a Judge in program The doll and the nerd.

He later decided to take part The island of the famous flanked by Vera Gemma. His path has not gone unnoticed. For now, fans are really hoping that she’s the one to support them amadeus during the Sanremo Festival. In fact, the conductor is currently busy with the construction Cast of 2023.

Sanremo 2023 comes the coup

At the moment, as we read on piudonna, the only name that has surfaced is that of Chiara Ferragni. Although, it cannot be ruled out that this is also the case Soleil rises can be summoned to his side.