War in Ukraine live Kyiv calls for speeding up its

War in Ukraine, live: Kyiv calls for speeding up its anti corruption reforms in the face of EU accession

https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie/derniere-maj-ukraine-avancee-russe.png https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie /last-update-ukraine-advanced-russe.png 30 Enlarge the situation on the map

the context

Presented live by Clémence Apetogbor

Cover photo: French President Emmanuel Macron speaks with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the start of the second plenary session of the NATO summit in Madrid June 29, 2022. GABRIEL BOUYS /AFP

Posts on this live stream are open from 9am to 9pm.

  • Eighteen people were killed by rockets, including two children, fired from a “strategic aircraft” before dawn on Friday. from the Black Sea to a residential area in the Odessa region of southern Ukraine, regional administration spokesman Sergey Bratchuk and rescue workers reported. There would be about thirty wounded.
  • This strike takes place the day after the Russian army left Snake Island, a strategic location in the Black Sea to control sea lanes. Moscow said it was withdrawing its troops “as a show of goodwill” to facilitate grain exports from Ukraine, while Kyiv was pleased to have deterred Russian forces.
  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy admitted that the situation in Lysyhansk remained “extremely difficult”, in eastern Ukraine, where most of the fighting is concentrated. Lyssytchansk is the last major city in the Lugansk region not yet in Russian hands.
  • In Kherson in the south, Ukrainian helicopters struck “enemy troops and military equipment”. near the town of Bilozirka, the Ukrainian army announced on Friday. This attack claimed “thirty-five dead” among Russian soldiers, according to the same source, and destroyed two tanks and several other armored vehicles.
  • Several NATO member states, which ended their summit in Madrid on Thursday, announced new military aid to Ukraine : British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pledged a £1 billion (€1.16 billion) extension, while US President Joe Biden has pledged an additional $800 million (€760 million).
  • Ukraine has started exporting “significant volumes” of electricity to the European Union, over Romania, President Volodymyr Zekensky announced on Thursday evening. “We are preparing to increase supplies,” he added, stressing that “Ukrainian electricity can replace a significant part of the Russian gas consumed by Europeans.”

You can find our live from yesterday here.

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