Wesley Safadao says hes fine as much as possible saying

Wesley Safadão says he’s fine as much as possible, saying “I didn’t feel my legs”

Wesley Safadão took to social media last Sunday (3) to update his followers about his health condition. The singer was then hospitalized Diagnosed herniated discEnd of June.

Safadão told fans that he was fine as much as possible: “There’s nothing to do there. There’s no magic or secrets. It’s just waiting for the inflammation to go away before you start the manipulation work. Now I can don’t even manipulate anymore because it’s going.” Danger of worsening the problem What really bothers you is the pain. I walk a little and my feet get numb and all this process”.

He also said he is confident and is doing his best to get back to the shows soon: “Tuesday or Wednesday I’ll do another MRI where I’ll know if the doctor will let me out or not to fit the schedule follow.” .

The singer recalled the pain he felt during a performance in Assu, Rio Grande do Norte: “I locked my spine. An inexplicable pain that only those who have an extruded hernia can feel and imagine what pain is. Even breathing hurts too much.” “.

Understand what a herniated disc is, a condition that forced Wesley Safadão to put his concert schedule on hold

Also, Safadão said that he woke up the next day without pain and even took a picture to warn the fans about the show he was going to do that day, but right after the click he stopped feeling his legs : “I hadn’t had this feeling of numbness down here yet”.

All of Wesley Safadão’s shows through July 6 have been canceled due to a herniated disc. Last weekend, the singer traveled to São Paulo for back pain treatment and treatment the presentations deleted marked in the cities of Bahia and Paraíba.