Hey, remember Chance The Rapper? The guy with the 3 on his hat? You don’t want no problems don’t want no problems with me? He met Kanye West, he’ll never fail? This guy? He is back again! Chance The Rapper didn’t exactly disappear from public life completely when The Big Day hit a brick, although it felt like it. Just a few months ago, Chance teamed up with Dionne Warwick for the long-hated collaboration Nothing’s Impossible. But Chance’s new single feels like the man’s big return. We will see!
The new single is called “Child Of God” and features backup vocals from Moses Sumney and Gabon-born, Chicago-based singer Naïla Opiangah. Longtime Chance collaborators Peter CottonTale and DexLvL co-produced the song with Al Hug, and it shares the same gospel overtones as many of Chance’s previous tracks. On the song, Chance still sounds very much like himself, antique and playful and prone to overthinking, but his performance is different. His voice sounds wrinkled and tired, which fits the theme of the song.
“Child Of God” is a song about being doubted and hated by the world: “I’m trying to break shackles, now they’re in ruins / I can’t expect them to be thankful and thankful / They thought I had a manual like Hansel/ Put your plans in men’s hands and it will be abused.” On the hook, Chance repeats a line to himself: “Just do your thing, kid, do your thing.” It sounds a lot like he would cheer himself up with massive backlash after a tough experience. Check out the video below.