UK: Actor Hugh Grant trolls Boris Johnson’s resignation announcement

How to lose credibility in two and a half seconds. While Boris Johnson waited outside Westminster on Thursday to announce his resignation in an official speech, the yakety sax music from the Benny Hill Show blared out in front of the enclosure. We hear it in the background of an interview with Conservative MP Chris Philp, who said he was ready to resume his duties in the UK government.


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This little joke, with a very British accent, was performed by anti-Brexit and anti-Boris Johnson campaigner Steve Bray. A video posted to Twitter shows him playing the famous saxophone music from his large speaker, a stone’s throw from Westminster.


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However, the idea did not come from him, but from the famous actor Hugh Grant. “I am pleased to see you are able to put your speakers back to work. Do you happen to have music by Benny Hill? ‘ the celebrity wrote to the activist.


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Once Asked, Done Instantly, Yakety Sax arrived to ruin the celebration of Boris Johnson’s announcement.