quotAnd people still sayquot after controversy with the journalist Arthur

"And people still say…"; after controversy with the journalist, Arthur Aguiar does not shut up and mocks critics


After a journalist pointed out an alleged failure, Maira Cardi’s husband again mocked critics

By Gabriela Maruyama

08.07.2022 14:41 BRT

08.07.2022 14:41 BRT

Photos: Reproduction/Twitter Arthur AguiarPhotos: Reproduction/Twitter Arthur AguiarGabriela Maruyama

Arthur Aguiar, champion of the BBB 22, returned last Thursday (7) to taunt the critics. On Instagram Stories is the husband of Maira Cardi shared a post where a fan showed the print tagged “Ten Million Casa Revirada” on Twitter’s Trending Topics.

The members of the Bakery (fandom of the exRebelde) celebrated the tag in reference to the song Casa Revirada, which reached the mark of 10 million streams on Spotify. “You are amazing as always. And there’s still people who say we failed, huh‘ the artist wrote.

The actor had just responded to a journalist who pointed out Arthur’s alleged failure in his musical career. “Man, I’m sick of this kind of clueless news! Try to find out before you talk nonsense. I won’t shut up anymore. Well! Where failed? A career is being built! duke of Work out.

Aguiar then stressed that he took a break from music to undergo surgery. “I just took a break from everything because of the surgery I had to do. EXACTLY THAT! These titles, as always, very appealing and clueless. I won’t shut up anymore! Let’s see who failed when I recover have,” he concluded.