1657327510 In Onda Rampini sbrocca with open queen quotAnd then only

In Onda, Rampini sbrocca with open queen: "And then only Switzerland remains!"

In Onda Rampini sbrocca with open queen quotAnd then only

“To say that Italy is a country that welcomes you is really crazy.” If you want to understand what it means to cheer open ports without ifs and buts, just listen to the few seconds of the speech Eddie Marcuccipassionate hospitality, dating in the studio David Porec and Concita de Gregorio a In Onda, on Ba7. The visit of Mario Draghi in Ankara, by Sultan Erdogan.

Why we cannot do without the dictator Xi Jinping: Rampini, the prophecy

“Managing immigration must be humane, fair and effective. We are trying to save migrants – Prime Minister’s words –. Italy is the most open country. but one cannot be infinitely open. We too have limits and now we are facing them ». For Marcucci, reasonable and banal judgments like this are “a series of untruths”. “The agreement with Libya has been renewed, where Turkish soldiers train Libyans – he demands –. And we know what the Turks are doing in their homes and beyond, since April the Turkish army has invaded Syria and Iraq. The tones against Putin rightly became heated when he crossed the border into Ukraine, but no flies flew with Erdogan. Since 2015, Turkey has received 3 tranches of 3 billion, so far it has received two, but the only thing they have done is build a wall with Syria, always open to the jihadists and closed to the people. Lending his side to Erdogan is lending his side to Isis».

Out of my mind .... Federico Rampini, the fight with the pro-immigrant activist: come la freeze |  Video

Beyond geopolitical analysis, Marcucci admirably encapsulates in a single intervention the anti-Western soul of so many Italian leftists. Europe is always to blame. Or from Italy alone. and Federico RampiniHe, certainly not a dangerous Salwiner, is annoyed: “China is doing worse than Turkey, if we think of Hong Kong or Tibet. If we think that we can only argue with the pure in the name of human rights, we can have relations with Switzerland and not much further. But we cannot afford to wage war on everyone. There is a huge danger afoot in Ukraine and Erdogan’s help is also being accepted.” It’s not realpolitik: it’s reality, beauty.