“It’s about inability a large part, if not all, of the Italian parties to decide what they want to do’: Maria Giovanni Maglie, As a guest of Controcorrente on Rete 4, he goes down hard when he talks about politics. “It’s just a problem of lack of courage and vision – continued the journalist in connection with the program -. It’s about time we told each other, so much so that we have a technocrat – surrounded by some technocrats – at the head of government.”
La Maglie then explained that all this hurts the Italians: “I believe that when the situation becomes so precarious and slippery, there is a state of life for voters that is getting worse every day. There are two possibilities: that it occurs with some parties, that they have to represent the voters, or that it is the voters who make themselves heard. The climate is very severe “.
Finally, the journalist commented on bonuses, which are becoming more and more common in this time of crisis: “The bonus policy is killing me horror, because there is welfare instead of just reward. I always found them despicable.” Hence the suggestion: “Why are not active measures instead of always and only passive measures?”.