HOROSCOPE FROM JULY 11 TO 17 2022 Simon the

HOROSCOPE FROM JULY 11 TO 17, 2022 Simon & the Stars

“Full Moon in Capricorn”
(from 11 to 17 July 2022)

How are you? Here is the horoscope for the next week dedicated to the majestic Full Moon in Capricorn, which will be the protagonist of our sky in the evening Wednesday July 13th. It is a full moon that is especially important because it is the first of this summer and carries an invitation to all signs to break through the delay and commit to a specific goal (a project, an initiative, a purpose) for which they are have cultivated at some point. Stay tuned as I will be devoting a detailed study to this full moon, which will be released on Tuesday the 12th!

Incidentally, Venus spends its last week in Gemini: a pity, because I had acquired a taste for it, but that’s a very personal consideration! From July 18th it will transition into Cancer to the delight of water and earth signs! We talk about this in the weekly horoscopes and I just have to let you read and thank you again for the love and attention you are devoting to our appointment, which has now become an essential “ritual” (at least for me!).

A hug and happy reading to all!
With love,