Guenda Goria was hospitalized. At the Mangiagalli Clinic in Milan. To announce tearfully, of course on social media and of course with the “Mega Beauty by Taylor Mega” filter, is the same daughter of Amedeo Goria and Maria Teresa Ruta. “Hello friends, I want to reassure you all, but it’s not quite like that. Basically I had a pelvic exam and I had one ectopic pregnancy that’s stuck on the tubes so it’s not in the right place and that’s what they tell me I need an urgent operation. I suddenly felt nauseous, I had this severe pain and I passed out. I was at the bar. You know, we’re trying to have a baby, but I haven’t had any symptoms of pregnancy. All of a sudden I had this bleeding, this horrible stomach ache and I turned pale and within seconds I was on the floor. Now this bleeding is internal too so I have blood in my abdomen too and we need to understand what to do. ‘ he explained in his own stories on Instagram.