1658324626 Five eyes and more

Five eyes and more

Five eyes and more


By: William Alvarado

The western intelligence group known as the Five Eyes is as old as it is recalcitrant, seemingly straight out of a spy novel like John Le Carré’s, in which the good guys were the Brits and their friends at the CIA and the bad guys were all the rest .

Although they managed to remain secret for almost six decades, and after being revealed they continued to function almost as usual, in reality they have nothing to do with fiction but with the ominous purpose of keeping the world under tight control keep. .

The network was born during World War II when the United States and the United Kingdom signed an agreement in 1943 to automatically exchange all intelligence information about the main enemy at the time, the German Nazi regime and its allies in Italy and Japan.

The pact became official in 1946, at the start of the Cold War, and also linked the US National Security Agency’s signals interception systems to their counterpart in London.

Canada joined in 1948 and New Zealand and Australia in 1956 when the objective was clearly to spy on the then Soviet Union and all anti-imperialist movements around the world.

It is very striking that Five Eyes was so fragmented that even some governments were unaware of its workings until 1973 when Australian Prime Minister Labor Party member Gough Whitlam discovered to his astonishment that his country was connected to this network was connected.

According to a paper published by Philippe Leymarie in the British newspaper The Guardian, Whitlam also learned that the Australian eavesdropping base at Pine Gap had come under virtual control of the American CIA.

Despite complaints from the Australian government, the network continued to operate in secret and in 2010 the full terms of the agreement were revealed, but there was no clear awareness of its implications until Edward Snowden leaked tens of thousands of collected data in 2013 for this system.

Born during a very hot conflict, the Spy Pact grew and strengthened during the Cold War, but when that period ended it did not disappear, but diversified through the Échelon program, which patrolled friendly and enemy civilian targets alike.

Now, in these confusing and difficult times, we are examining the expansion of the network, not only in terms of members but also in terms of its activities, which will be directed against China, the new enemy that Washington is making, but that, friends , will be the subject of further work.