Selenskyj wants a compromise with Russia in the Donbass

Zelenskyy wants a compromise with Russia in the Donbass

To avoid a third world war, the government of Kiev wants to examine “thoroughly” the neutrality demanded by Russia. Meanwhile, Kiev and Moscow want to negotiate in Turkey.

7:06 am, March 28, 2022


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The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy seeks a compromise with Moscow in the Donbass. He understood that it was impossible to completely expel Russia from Ukrainian territory, as this would lead to a third world war. The government in Kiev wants to “thoroughly” examine the neutrality demanded by Russia, according to Zelenskyj in an interview with several independent Russian media on Sunday. “This point of the negotiations is understandable to me.”

However, Zelenskyy again postulated that ultimately only Ukrainian citizens could decide on possible neutral status in a referendum. Ukraine’s neutrality is one of Russia’s main demands in the ceasefire negotiations. The Kremlin recently cited the Austrian and Swedish models as possible models.

Interview with journalists from Russia

In an interview with Russian journalists, Zelenskyi intervened Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin Delay in peace negotiations in front. In the approximately one-and-a-half-hour video chat that the critical portal Meduza published on Sunday night, he once again called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. Only in this way can there be security guarantees for Ukraine, which in turn are the basis for Ukraine’s resignation from NATO, which Moscow demands, underlined the Ukrainian head of state.

Among the Russian journalists who conducted the interview was a reporter from the well-known Moscow newspaper Kommersant. In addition, a question was asked on behalf of the editor-in-chief of the opposition “Novaya Gazeta”, Dmitry Muratov. Both newspapers initially did not publish Zelenskyj’s statements following threats from the Russian media regulator.

Kiev fears situation around Mariupol will worsen

Following Russia’s announcement that it intends to focus on “liberating the Donbass” in the Ukraine war in the future, the Kiev government fears that the situation in Mariupol and the east of the country will deteriorate. “This means potential or serious deterioration around Mariupol,” Ukraine’s presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych said in a message posted to the president’s Telegram account. Kiev has accused Moscow of “inhumane tactics”.

Kiev and Moscow want to negotiate in Turkey

After about two weeks of online peace talks, the Ukrainian and Russian delegations now want to meet again in person. The next meeting will take place in Istanbul, the Turkish presidential office said after a phone call between Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A time was not mentioned. Kiev negotiator David Arachamija announced on Facebook that negotiations would begin on Monday.

Fires resumed at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

According to Ukrainian authorities, new fires have broken out in the zone occupied by Russian forces around the nuclear ruins of Chernobyl. “Big fires have started in the exclusion zone, which could have very serious consequences,” Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk wrote on Telegram late on Sunday. However, because of Russian troops, it is currently “impossible to completely control and extinguish the fires”. More on this in the live ticker.

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