1658374806 A Quebec pimp has been arrested again

A Quebec pimp has been arrested again

A pimp who has already been in prison for five years for soliciting a 15-year-old girl has just been arrested again, this time on charges of procuring a 23-year-old woman.

In 2017, Joey-Brant Fournier was arrested after recruiting a 15-year-old girl who had fled the Center jeunesse l’Escale for sexual exploitation. The man, who initially pleaded guilty, later wanted to reverse his decision, but the judge nonetheless sentenced him to five years in prison in October 2020.

However, Fournier has now been arrested again on charges of pimping a 23-year-old young woman. The man who appeared on Wednesday afternoon now faces seven charges.

death threat

In addition to being accused of recruiting the young woman, the 27-year-old is accused of having exercised control over a person who offered sexual services for money. The events happened in Quebec, but also in Mississauga, Ontario.

A Quebec pimp has been arrested again

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Joey Brant Fournier, defendant

According to the indictment, Fournier resumed his offenses in May 2021, seven months after receiving his five-year sentence. At the time of his five-year sentence in October 2020, Fournier had already served just over three years in custody.

Joey-Brant Fournier was charged with death threats, molestation and assault against the same victim. The accused remains in custody pending his release.

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