1658374887 VIDEO Nun interrupts lesbian kiss between actresses Its the devil

VIDEO Nun interrupts lesbian kiss between actresses: “It’s the devil”

Nun breaks the actresses’ kiss during the taping of the series “Mare Fuori”. Image: reproduction.

This Monday the 18th, a kiss between two actresses was broken by a nun in Naples, Italy. A scene from the series “Mare Fouri” was filmed until the nun interrupts the moment with screams and the sign of the cross.

“What are you doing? No! It’s the devil!” the nun verbalized while preventing the appearance of Serena von Ferrari and Kyshan Wilson, models and protagonists of the production.

The nun then left.

The situation was captured by makeup artist Roberta Mastalia, who collaborated on the photo shoot. Actress Serena shared the content online with the caption “God doesn’t love LGBT”.

The video divided opinions some users defended the nun’s stance to understand her advanced age, others found it absurd and defended the actresses’ stance.

Check out the video of the moment below:

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