in one tweet Earlier Monday, the CEO of Tesla (TSLA) and SpaceX said he “allegedly got it back (sigh) but almost no symptoms.” He previously tested positive for Covid in November 2020, before a vaccine was available, putting him in Quarantine resulted in a launch of four astronauts to the International Space Station aboard a SpaceX rocket.
Musk has raised many questions about public health policies related to Covid since the disease was first discovered. But he has said he supports vaccination, even if he doesn’t think the shots should be mandated.
“To be clear, I support vaccines in general and Covid vaccines in particular. The science is clear,” he tweeted back in April last year.
When he was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in December, he told the magazine he and his family were vaccinated. People who are vaccinated generally get less severe cases of the disease and the majority of people who die from Covid are unvaccinated.
In his tweet on Monday, Musk questioned whether some of the current variants of Covid should still be considered Covid-19, a number assigned to the virus because it was first detected in 2019.
“How many gene changes before it’s no longer Covid-19?” he asked.