Dirty war without forgiveness time

“Dirty war, without forgiveness” time


Giada Oricchio March 28, 2022

“This war will leave trenches deeper than bombs.” Tony Capuozzohistorical war correspondent, described as “White Zone‘, the political depth program of Rete 4, the ‘intimate’ side of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we could say the human aspect in the strict sense of the word. Capuozzo explained: “These are wars destined to dig trenches deeper than those dug by the bombs. If you talk to Ukrainians today, they’ll tell you about the deadly famine that Stalin actually condemned them to as something that happened a few years ago.

“These are dirty wars that leave no room for forgiveness”
TO #ZonaWhite the journalist @ tonicapuozzo1 on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/IA6QcvxAJ5

Zona Bianca (@zona_bianca) March 27, 2022

And that is exactly what is feared after the armistice: resentment, anger and fire that burns under the ashes for decades and can explode at any moment. “That applies to both, we rightly speak of the torture of the killed children, but it is not the case that no children have died in Donbass in these eight years, there have been 14,000 victims, these are dirty wars, even if they resemble civil wars the armies fight them and leave no room for forgiveness, if you don’t turn the other cheek, the memory becomes a phrase to be repeated, was the journalist’s bitter conclusion. The present and future of Europe appear increasingly unstable.

It's almost done.  Toni Capuozzo's prediction of war: the basic reasons