China braces for an even hotter weekend as temperatures soar

China braces for an even hotter weekend as temperatures soar

Temperatures in 19 cities in eastern Zhejiang and Fujian provinces are expected to surpass 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in the next 24 hours, according to China’s weather agency.

Another 208 cities and counties across China are under orange alert, the second-highest heat warning, showing temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit).

This warning affects parts of southern and eastern China, including Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and some of Anhui and Henan provinces.

The heat wave coincides with the “Great Heat” on Saturday, traditionally the hottest day of the year according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

China has struggled with persistently high temperatures since June, with an average temperature of 22.1 degrees Celsius (nearly 72 degrees Fahrenheit), the highest since 1961, according to China’s National Climate Center.

At least 71 national weather stations across China have recorded record temperatures in recent weeks. Temperatures reached 44 degrees Celsius (111 Fahrenheit) in three cities in central Hebei Province and one in southwestern Yunnan Province.

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China’s Central Meteorological Observatory has advised people to avoid outdoor activities, reduce working hours and take protective measures against heat stroke during hot spells.

Heatwave-related mortality in China has increased dramatically since 1990, reaching 26,800 deaths in 2019, according to a Lancet study published in 2020.

Earlier this year, the Chinese government released a new policy document on improving its response to climate change, which not only creates long-term challenges but also makes the country more vulnerable to “sudden and extreme” events like heat waves. drought and floods.

“Climate change has already inflicted serious negative impacts on China’s natural ecosystem and has spread further, penetrating the economy and society,” the government said in its national climate change adaptation strategy.
She pledged to make China a “climate-resilient society” by 2035 by building a nationwide climate risk monitoring and assessment system and expanding early warning capabilities.

CNN’s Nectar Gan contributed to the coverage.