Mourning Matilde Brandi the heartbreaking story of the tragic illness

Mourning Matilde Brandi, the heartbreaking story of the tragic illness

Matilde Brandi opened her heart to the public and told about the death of a very dear person and a tragic illness. Here’s who he was talking about and what it was about.

Mathilde Brandi

Matilde Brandi is a showgirl long absent from the small screen but has made a brilliant career as a dancer and actress between theater and television. For example, in its early days on the small screen, we saw it in an issue of Fantastico from 1991-1992, conducted this year by Raffaella Carrà and Johnny Dorelli.

He made his theater debut in 2004 with Victor / Victoria directed by Pino Insegno. From those beginnings, Detto Fatto’s participation in theater and television never stopped until his latest work Ricette d’amore.

Verissimo is one of the most popular lounges on Canale 5 and it is also the transmission in which many famous people follow one another telling many touching stories that happened to them directly or to their loved ones.

Matilde Brandi is also among those who took part in the broadcast hosted by Silvia Toffanin and in this moderation she opened her heart by telling everything that happened to a loved one who died long ago from a serious illness.

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The person in question is his mother who suffered a long time ago Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative neurological disease that leads to forgetting everything, forgetting people, even relatives, forgetting their memories and even themselves, reaching a vegetative state very similar to that of a newborn. Matilde Brandi had to face this disease and witness the decay of her mother’s spirit.

In the general excitement, she told Silvia Toffanin everything in front of Verissimo’s cameras.

We report the words of Matilde Brandi about this experience: “It’s a devastating disease, day in and day out you lose a piece of your loved one. My mother was a train, now it makes me sick to see her in this bed. I think he understands why he cries sometimes, but I hope he doesn’t understand, maybe he lives in his world. He has been refusing to eat for a few days and I understand a lot of people who choose to die. She’s still here, but how are you?”

Matilde Brandi, the tragedy that came into her life

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Just at the time when Matilde Brandi told her family drama in front of the camera when her mother died. Apparently, the loss of appetite was a first sign of the end phase. Matilde Brandi wanted to greet her mother in an Instagram post dedicated to her and saw this caption under the photo of her mother with a smile on her lips.

“Fly mom, fly as high as you can. Now no disease can hurt you. Thanks to Verissimo and a special thanks to Silvia Toffanin with a heart as big and beautiful as her eyes! Mom, you were waiting for me to tell your story and at the end of the episode you flew away I couldn’t imagine FLY MOM FLY.