We need an antimissile system The German campaign against the

“We need an antimissile system.” The German campaign against the Tsar

there Germany he wants to empower his own antimissile system. The confirmation came directly from Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was interviewed by the BBC. Berlin is currently equipped with several batteries of the American systems patriotbut after the Russian intervention in Ukraine, the German executive wants more barriers for their skies.

“We have to be aware that we have a violent neighbor Scholz told the BBC journalists who interviewed him in order to advance their interests.” In short, after Russia has shown that in scenarios where Moscow’s main interests lie, can and wants to intervene militarily, Germany wants to raise the level protection.

“This is a very heartfelt discussion Scholz continued it is one of the problems that we are discussing within the government, and for good reason.” However, the Chancellor is too imbalanced when it comes to the antimissile systems on which Berlin want to focus.

Some in the international media have speculated about the purchase of Iron Dome batteries from Israel. The system used in the Jewish state, which provides for multiple launches of antiaircraft missiles as soon as external threats arrive.

The Iron Dome has been seen in action in Tel Aviv and southern Israel in recent years, particularly in connection with Hamas rocket launches in gaza. When the Islamic movement and the Jewish state experienced a new escalation in their relations last year, culminating in Hamas launching rockets at Israel, the country’s cities were largely shielded thanks to the use of Iron Dome.

However, the indiscretion has not found any confirmation at the moment. Above all, Scholz seems to be an intention to be implemented in the medium and long term. Therefore, before we act in Berlin, we will probably discuss which system we are aiming for and what costs we want to bear for stronger protection of the territory.

As the BBC itself pointed out, in response to the Russian attack in Ukraine, Germany already has its shortterm military spending. In fact, the federal government aims to spend 2% of GDP on the defense sector. A wish that could immediately translate into a search for several billion euros to be transferred to strengthen the army.

In addition to Germany, other countries in the region want to increase their military spending and strengthen their missile defense systems and armies. The aim is to be ready at all times, especially in the eyes of the Russians, to react to any external threat.