1648526331 The Germans face imprisonment for publicly supporting Russias Ukraine war

The Germans face imprisonment for publicly supporting Russia’s Ukraine war

This weekend two German states decided to ban public statements of support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and those found flouting the new law could face jail time.

In Lower Saxony and Bavaria, citizens are now prohibited from publicly displaying the letter “Z”, which became a symbol of the Russian army during the war. Those who display the symbol at demonstrations or publicly display it on cars or buildings now face a fine or up to three years in prison, according to the Moscow Times.

“It is incomprehensible to me how this symbol ‘Z’ could be used in our country to condone this crime,” Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Boris Pistorius said in a statement, according to the news agency. Bavaria’s Minister of Justice Georg Eisenreich also said that freedom of expression is a “great good”, but that it “stops where criminal law begins”.

“Sympathizers using the ‘Z’ symbol of the Russian Armed Forces in Bavaria need to know that they can be criminally prosecuted for condoning criminal acts,” he added, according to the Moscow Times.

In addition, a spokesman for Germany’s federal government said on Monday that displaying the symbol could soon be made a criminal offense across the country.

“Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is a criminal act and anyone who publicly condones this war of aggression can also be a criminal offence,” an Interior Ministry spokesman said during a news conference, Reuters reported.

“The federal security authorities are keeping an eye on it, and in this respect we welcome the announcement that several federal states will also check in individual cases whether it could be a criminal offense and take appropriate measures,” the spokesman continued.

The symbol “Z” – a Latin letter not found in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet – was first emblazoned on Russian military vehicles in Ukraine. It has been suggested that the military began using the sign to help soldiers on the ground distinguish their side’s vehicles from Ukrainian forces in order to avoid friendly fire.

Since then, however, the symbol has gained international attention, with supporters of the war sporting the emblem on clothing, cars, and homes. The Kremlin has also adopted the symbol, using it in propaganda messages and promoting its display at rallies.

Russia Z banned in Germany

Two German states have banned the public display of the Russian “Z” symbol, used in support of the war in Ukraine. Here, pedestrians cross a street in front of a billboard with the “Z” on March 7, 2022 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. AFP/Getty Images

Its widespread use has even prompted Swiss company Zurich Insurance Group to remove its “Z” logo from social media to avoid being seen as supporting Russia in the war, according to Reuters.

“We are temporarily removing use of the letter ‘Z’ from social channels where it appears isolated and could be misinterpreted,” the company said in a statement Saturday.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began over a month ago and has so far caused widespread destruction of major cities, displaced millions of Ukrainians and killed over 1,100 civilians, the United Nations reported. The US and the European Union have strongly condemned the war and imposed severe sanctions on Moscow.

For the latest updates on the ongoing war, visit Newsweek’s live blog.

Newsweek contacted Germany’s interior ministry for further comment, but did not receive a response in time for publication.