Turning point of solidarity in Europe A thousand euros for

Turning point of solidarity in Europe: “A thousand euros for every refugee and free transport”

BRUSSELS “It is clear that our resources and capacity will not be sufficient to cope with the growing influx of people. This is especially true in the long term. However, the current situation is also dramatic and shows the urgent need for quick solutions “European level”. The request for help this time comes from Germany and Poland. Obviously, these are Ukrainian refugees. A real retaliation. Because the previous migration policy approach is completely in And it’s all in black and white in a letter that the interior ministers of the two countries, Nancy Faeser and Mariusz Kaminski, sent three days ago to the European Commission, and specifically to the two commissioners dealing with this emergency: the Greek Margaritis Schinas and Swede Ylva Johansson.

In the center where the Ukrainian diaspora begins: “Give us another life”

by our correspondent Brunella Giovara March 27, 2022220038749ac599f076dc64b8280861cc7ceb24368

It is based on an economic request: €1,000 for each refugee received. Legal: free transport to leave the country of “first landing”. And politics: Because it brings back into play the notorious asylum and migrants plan, which has been blocked by some governments like Poland for over a year, and the PNRR funds frozen for Warsaw.

This will be the subject of the European Council of Home Affairs Ministers in Brussels today. The summit must give the green light for the GermanPolish proposal and implement the indications formulated by the European Commission last week. The orientation of the Union is certainly not contradictory. With the Temporary Protection Directive coming into force for the first time in 20 years, it is difficult to resist the appeals from Berlin and Warsaw. Furthermore, Germany’s weight in these events is never secondary. However, the amount of aid and the political consequences must be considered. But the emotional surge unleashed by the war in Ukraine is still a relevant factor.

On Wednesday, the commission provided an additional allocation of 3.5 billion. This will be the basis on which the holders of the EU interior will start the discussion today. But it is clear that the project brought to their attention will require more efforts. The idea is actually to provide a “lump sum of 1,000 euros every six months for each refugee that is taken in. Almost 4 million refugees are already there. But just as many are displaced. In short, these 3.5 billion will not be enough. The largest part would go to Poland, which would sail towards the three million refugees and would receive three billion euros in return. According to Commissioner Johansson, the ranking of the countries most involved also includes Austria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Estonia. “Extraordinary events write the two ministers require extraordinary measures, lateral thinking and stronger operational coordination.”

But there is the second point that needs to be considered: transportation. Which would basically be an “incentive” for actual redistribution. Refugee status allows you to move freely in any country, there is no “first landing” rule that has burdened Italy, Spain and Greece in the past. The idea of ​​”redistribution is not legally applicable. Thus, Berlin and Warsaw are demanding that a formula be put in place to inform (“inform and advise) refugees about the possibility of going to another country and, most importantly, that there be an essentially free transport system for these trips. “The Solidarity Platform states the letter aims to support the management and organization of arrivals and the definition of possible arrangements for a wellstructured transport of refugees within the EU, where possible using transport hubs to facilitate travel by train, bus and to organize the plane. .

The Italian Plan

Up to 30 euros per day and refugee. Here is the help for the host families

by Alessandra Ziniti March 27, 20222208499035be0cd0311494c1b8bc5671c99649996

But the GermanPolish project is not without consequences for other emergencies. And in the letter there is a clear reference to “solidarity within the framework of our common asylum system”. It is clear that some member states like Italy will take such a step in exchange for guarantees for the asylum and migrant plan, which has been on the back burner for 18 months. In addition, the sentence with which the appeal closes is reminiscent of what has happened on Italian, Spanish or Greek beaches in recent years: “We believe that now is the time to show concrete European support, not only for e between Member States, but also for Ukraine and its citizens”.

Finally, there is one last aspect. Which is not formally included in the letter, but has already become the subject of discussions within the Commission. And it’s about the Recovery Fund. If this financial aid is granted, which is likely to happen, is it then possible to keep the NRP funds for Poland frozen? A sensitive issue: The money was “suspended” because of disregard for the “rule of law”, i.e. the basic rules of European democratic coexistence. But at that point, it will be difficult not to release those funds as well. And will this also affect Hungary?