1648550697 Vana on EU Interior Ministers Mandatory Admission Quotas for Refugees

Vana on EU Interior Ministers: “Mandatory Admission Quotas for Refugees More Needed Than Ever!”

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The war in Ukraine shows that material and financial support for people in need must be guaranteed throughout Europe.

Brussels (OTS) – In Brussels today, EU interior ministers are coordinating the reception of refugees from Ukraine. Topics of the extraordinary council include the implementation of material and financial support for member states, the monitoring and coordination of travel within the EU, reception of refugees from the Republic of Moldova and control of external borders and security issues.

Monika Vana, head of the Austrian delegation of the Greens to the European Parliament, appealed to the Council: “After the initial activation of the directive on temporary protection, we must ensure that the best possible standards are applied in each country and the gaps in the practical implementation of the directive are closed.” . Acceptance based on solidarity must be ensured in all Member States. The extremely high number of people fleeing Ukraine shows once again the great urgency of a system of admission quotas for refugees based on solidarity and mandatory for all, regardless of their origin. Important decisions must be taken, pressure on national asylum systems reduced, and people in need must be able to enjoy harmonized rights across the EU. Everyone who flees must have the same rights – zero tolerance for backsliding! ” Vana reinforces an old green demand.

“Coordinated and inclusive material and financial support for member states is fundamental in this difficult situation and it must also be possible to plan for the long term”, demands Vana. “The European Union faces an enormous challenge, as a long-term solution is now needed quickly for the nearly four million refugees. It is also particularly important that the focus of refugee policy is not just on extremely important special care for women and children, but that other marginalized groups finally receive the necessary attention. Transgender people or other members of the LGBTQI* community are particularly vulnerable in the current situation and therefore need additional attention. Tomorrow, at the Commission on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, we will discuss a strategy on how best to protect refugees from gender-based violence and sexual abuse, in addition to facilitating access to health and education”, concludes Vana.

Questions and contact:

Green Club in Parliament
Office of Dr. Monika Vana MEP
[email protected]