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Exile and Hemispheric Front support Cubans "national strike" on the island

This content was published on Jul 27, 2022 – 5:51 pm Jul 27, 2022 – 5:51 pm

Miami, 27 July (EFE).- Cuban exile organizations and the Hemispheric Front for Freedom (FHL) announced this Wednesday in Miami their unconditional and proactive support for a “national strike” in Cuba, which activists and citizens of the island are jointly carrying out around restore democracy after 63 years of “dictatorship”.

The announcement was made at the headquarters of Cuba’s historic political prison, where an open letter titled “We Cubans, for the salvation of Cuba” was presented, signed by the “first 318 brave men” deputy from the National Party of Cuba named Uruguay, Martín she Elgue, a founding member of the FHL.

The strike, which initially consists of “not cooperating at all with the regime” and “to take to the streets at every opportunity and place to demand our freedom”, according to various activists and ordinary citizens from Cuba in the Gange videos projected during the Miami event.

According to the letter, this is a first phase before proceeding “when the conditions for the great general strike in Cuba are in place.”

The 318 signers of the letter, including several currently detained political prisoners such as Mitsael Díaz Paseiro or ex-prisoners such as Keissel Rodríguez, were later joined by others to reach more than 500 who are supporting the strike for the time being, according to the organizers of the act.

Orlando Gutiérrez of the Cuban Resistance Assembly (ARC), which includes organizations inside and outside the island, announced various measures in support of Miami’s “national strike”.

Among other things, he went to international bodies such as the European Parliament to report on this civil protest on the island, and also organized demonstrations against companies owned by figures of the “regime” that “profit from the separation of Cuban families and the “misery”. “. in that those who are still in Cuba are alive.

“We are all in this together because we are all Cubans. Enough,” said MAR’s Sylvia Iriondo for Cuba at the same event.


Elgue reiterated that there will also be actions in support of the “national strike” in other countries where there are parties and politicians, even of other ideologies, that agree to support Cubans’ right to freedom and democracy.

“Latin America owes a debt to the Cuban people who are fighting for their freedom,” added Elgue, who since its inception in March 2021 has been part of the FHL, which is made up of conservative politicians and activists from Latin America and places like Syria and Miami. .

Luis Infante, President of Cuba’s Historical Political Prison, and former political prisoner Jorge Luis Pérez “Antúnez”, who spent 17 years in prison, and his sister Berta Antúnez also spoke at the ceremony.

All indicated that the current moment is “critical” to achieve the goal of “eliminating the dictatorship”, with an increase in peaceful protests since July 11, 2021 against the government and due to the bad economic situation in the country.

“The conditions are clear and the time is right,” said Berta Antúnez.

The signatories of the letter “for the salvation of Cuba” refer to the “moments of fear” experienced by Cubans on the island because of “the oppression, the lack of electricity, the lack of supplies of all kinds” and emphasize that they ” cumulative result of policies imposed on the people by a dictatorship in power for 63 years.

“Faced with this reality, and especially since July 11, 2021, people are openly resisting and rapidly losing their fear in a national challenge to tyranny,” they say.

“Neither the (prison) sentences imposed nor the outrage of military force have managed to appease the Cubans. We want to be free “everybody take to the streets”. EFE


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