RT fails lawsuit against EU broadcast ban

RT fails lawsuit against EU broadcast ban

Russian state broadcaster RT (Russia Today) has failed before the European Court of Justice with a lawsuit against an EU broadcast ban over allegations of wartime propaganda. “The court rejects the complaint in its entirety,” it said in a statement Wednesday (Case T-125/22).

The distribution of Russian state media RT and Sputnik was banned in the EU in early March, shortly after the start of the Russian war in Ukraine, because they were accused of spreading war propaganda. “We are witnessing massive propaganda and disinformation about this outrageous attack on a free and independent country,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at the time. Kremlin supporters will not be able to “spread their poisonous lies to justify Putin’s war or sow the seeds of division in our Union”.

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The sanction affects all RT and Sputnik distribution channels in the EU, such as cable, satellite or internet. This also affects offshoots of RT, such as RT in German or French. Meanwhile, the EU canceled broadcast frequencies for three other stations.

In the specific case, the French branch RT France complained about the sanctions and justified this by saying that the broadcaster was not previously allowed to defend itself against the accusations. Furthermore, freedom of expression and information, the right to conduct business and the principle of non-discrimination based on nationality would be violated. RT France also questioned whether the EU Council was allowed to take the decision in question.

The EU court rejected all these points on Wednesday. The judges argued, among other things, that the sanctions imposed were “appropriate and necessary, taking into account the exceptional context” in view of “the objectives pursued”. Punitive measures also do not disproportionately interfere with the broadcaster’s business freedom, as they are temporary and reversible.

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Furthermore, the Council of the EU proved that RT France “actively supported Russia’s policy of destabilization and aggression” against Ukraine. The channel also broadcasts information that justifies the war against Ukraine and could pose a serious threat to public order and security in the EU. RT France may appeal this decision to the European Court of Justice.

The Russian presidential office describes the court’s decision as “extremely negative” and announces similar measures against Western media. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the press that Russia Today cannot operate in Europe. But he hopes that loopholes will be found to continue broadcasting. (apa, dpa, Portal)