In November 2019, MBDA was delighted to be named “Coordinator” of the ambitious European program TWISTER [Timely Warning and Interception with Space-based TheatER surveillance] maintained within the framework of Permanent Structured Cooperation [CSP ou PESCO], aimed to develop an anti-missile system based in particular on a multi-role endo-atmospheric interceptor. It was about having, in the long term, means that would make it possible to counter threats that were then considered emerging, such as hypersonic missiles.
With France at the helm and the participation of Germany, Spain, Finland, Italy and the Netherlands, this project therefore proposed to “bolster Europeans’ ability to better detect, monitor and counter these threats through a combination of enhanced space-based early warning capabilities and endo-atmospheric interceptors” while “boosting Europe’s autonomous capability to contribute to NATO’s ballistic missile defenses”.
In the 2021 edition of its Defense Innovation Orientation Reference Document [DrOID]the Defense Innovation Agency [AID] had underlined the importance of TWISTER, stating that this program would be based in particular on a “space component of alert and an endo-atmospheric intercept capability”.
However, in June 2021 as part of the European Defense Industry Development Programme [PEDID ou EDIDP]The coordination of the work related to the space early warning component was assigned to the German group OHB by the European Commission as part of the “ODIN’S EYE” project. [multinatiOnal Development INitiative for a Space-based missilE earlY-warning architecturE].
This project, which has a budget of around 7.8 million euros and is expected to last 24 months, consists in particular of preparing the development of a detection capability for ballistic and hypersonic missiles and civil launchers from space as part of a European missile defence. France is represented there by ONERA, ArianeGroup SAS, Airbus Defense & Space SAS, Thales LAS France SAS and Thales Alenia Space France SAS. This project also brings together Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Poland.
Then, in November of the same year, MBDA announced the opening of a permanent office in Brussels to strengthen its “presence as close as possible to the institutions of the European Union”. [UE] and NATO” to better support “their initiatives to strengthen European defense cooperation”, including TWISTER.
Just last week, and this time as part of the European Defense Fund [FEDef]The European Commission launched the “European Hypersonic Defense Interceptor” project [EU HYDEF], which should lead to a “European endo-atmospheric intercept demonstrator to counter threats after 2035”. And so the hypersonic missiles.
With its experience in this field, its Aquila project, which brings together France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy, and its role in TWISTER, one would think MBDA would have all the cards in hand to carry out this 110 million euro programme. This did not happen because the European Commission had entrusted the coordination of EU HYDEF to the Spanish group SENER Aeroespacial, whose references in the field of anti-missile defense and hypersonic flight are not obvious…
In its explanation, the European Commission states that EU HYDEF is linked to the TWISTER project. The fact remains that no French company is involved in it … On the other hand, in addition to Spain, it also brings Germany together [avec Diehl Defence]Belgium, Norway [qui n’est pas membre de l’UE, ndlr], Poland, the Czech Republic and Sweden. In summary, the only European country developing hypersonic weapons [missile ASN4G et planeur V-MAX, sans oublier les missiles balistiques M51] will not participate in a project to develop an interceptor missile against this type of threat.
According to La Tribune, which cites several sources in Brussels, the French were “too confident” on the matter and “not attentive enough” to the competition led by SENER Aeroespacial, which was “playing the game of the Commission’s competition process”. although it undoubtedly means over-promising… In addition, the weekly underlines underline that there is “no glimmer of hope” for MBDA.
However, when the DrOID 2021 mentions the TWISTER project, there is no mention of it in the 2022 version. Regarding “early warning”, the work concerns the upgrading of achievements, the continuation of work on characterization of the threat, as well as the study of the architecture of an early warning system and the search for solution modules for designating ballistic targets from the ground using the SAMP/T system [Sol-Air Moyenne Portée / Terrestre]. The work related to the final achievement of a space early warning capability, aimed at at the European level, is being carried out by the “Space” branch,” we read in the “Protection and Surveillance” chapter, where the focus is on eliminating the risks associated with “future ground- air missiles”.