1648582851 Tennessee governor proposes 500 million in taxpayer money for new

Tennessee governor proposes $500 million in taxpayer money for new stadium

AFC Divisional Playoffs – Cincinnati Bengals vs. Tennessee Titans

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The rich are getting richer. And they get other people to pay for the places where they generate more wealth.

According to the Associated Press, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has proposed $500 million in public bonds to fund construction of a new stadium for the Titans.

The Tennesseean reports that the Titans originally wanted a simple renovation, but politicians were intrigued by the possibility of a covered stadium so other events could be held there – including perhaps the Super Bowl. The Titans don’t want a roof on the existing facility.

The news comes a day after Buffalo politicians agreed to pay $850 million for a new Bills Stadium. The legislature is willing to do this, even if its voters would not usually go along with it. In a simple Twitter poll released last night, which drew more than 33,000 responses, more than 84 percent said taxpayers’ money shouldn’t be used to fund football stadiums.

But voters usually don’t get a vote on such matters. Otherwise, NFL teams would actually pay for their own stadiums.