Der konigliche Biograf kritisiert dass Prinz Harry nicht an der

Royal biographer criticizes Prince Harry for not attending Philip’s funeral

Prince Harry may not even regret missing Prince Philip’s memorial service because he doesn’t seem to care about things anymore “unless they concern him and Meghan,” a royal biographer has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex has been criticized for staying at his $14 million California mansion instead of attending the Thanksgiving event at Westminster Abbey and blaming his absence on a dispute over police protection – despite a scheduled visit to the Netherlands. in two weeks or the Invictus games.

The 37-year-old Duke is taking legal action against the Home Office after being told he would no longer receive the “same level” of personal security if he came from the US, despite offering to pay for it himself.

He was last in the UK in July 2021, when he flew to join his brother Prince William in unveiling a statue of his late mother Princess Diana Spencer in honor of her 60th birthday.

However, his apology for “security concerns” as a reason for not returning was deemed “pathetic” by former aides and royal experts.

Royal biographer Angela Levin questioned whether Harry would ever acknowledge his “terrible behavior” after being the only major royal figure not to attend Philip’s memorial service.

“He’s such a changed person, it’s hard to know if he’s going to regret not participating,” she told The Sun. “The Harry I interviewed was thoughtful, kind and instinctive. Today he is so full of resentment and “me me me”.

“He doesn’t seem to have a bigger area to take care of things unless it concerns him and Meghan.

“Many foreign royals were upset, but Harry’s pathetic excuse is that he didn’t feel safe. The police would have covered him up completely. The royal children were all there, the heirs to the throne, so it doesn’t make sense that the protection wouldn’t be there.” were there.

Prince Harry’s security concerns were also criticized yesterday by Richard Griffin, who served as Prince Philip’s royal protection officer for 14 years.

The royal biographer criticizes that Prince Harry does not participate in the

Royal biographer Angela Levin questioned whether Harry would ever acknowledge his “appalling behavior” after becoming the only great royal figure not attending Philip’s memorial service.

The Duke of Sussex was beaten up for staying at his $14 million California mansion instead of attending the Thanksgiving event at Westminster Abbey and attributing his absence to a dispute over police protection — despite a planned visit to the Netherlands in two weeks or the Invictus Games.

The Duke of Sussex was beaten up for staying at his $14 million California mansion instead of attending the Thanksgiving event at Westminster Abbey and attributing his absence to a dispute over police protection — despite a planned visit to the Netherlands in two weeks or the Invictus Games.

Prince Harry was the only significant royal figure who did not attend the funeral service for Prince Philip yesterday. It was disputed that Prince Andrew played a leading role in his first public appearance since he agreed to an out-of-court settlement with Jeffrey Epstein's victim, Virginia Giuffre.

Prince Harry was the only significant royal figure who did not attend the funeral service for Prince Philip yesterday. It was disputed that Prince Andrew played a leading role in his first public appearance since he agreed to an out-of-court settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s victim, Virginia Giuffre.

Richard Griffin with the Queen during his service as a royal protection officer. He served Prince Philip in this role for 14 years

Richard Griffin with the Queen during his service as a royal protection officer. He served Prince Philip in this role for 14 years

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Global Citizen Live in New York on September 25, 2021. They were the only high-ranking royals to miss today's service.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Global Citizen Live in New York on September 25, 2021. They were the only high-ranking royals to miss today’s service.

Mr Griffin said: “Prince Philip was her grandfather, so William obviously received a great education from him and will learn examples from him. I just hope Harry gets some of these things in mind.

‘It [Harry not being here] was a big disappointment for everyone. People talked about it. Surely the people around me said where I was that he should have been here.

“All this nonsense about not being able to get protection was a pathetic excuse for me. He should have been here to honor his grandfather.

“At the end of the day, if he had been so worried about safety, he could have stayed with his brother and father, who have wonderful security, and he would have been more than safe.”

Other royal observers also criticized Harry for being the only high-ranking king to miss the tribute to Prince Philip, and GMB presenter Richard Madeley asked, “What is he playing on?”

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Royal expert Angela Levin tweeted: “Heartwarming to see the great-grandchildren at Prince Philip’s Thanksgiving service. Tons of royals and hundreds of those associated with his charities. No one will forget or forgive those who did not feel safe.’

Fans took to Twitter to criticise the Duke of Sussex. One wrote: “I always defend Prince Harry no matter what, but now he can kiss my fat ass royally. He is far too important to attend the memorial service for his grandfather.”

Another said: “It’s shameful that Prince Harry refused to participate, but this is the same guy who devastated his family on global television while his grandfather was seriously ill in hospital.”

While a third commented: “Sorry, but Prince Harry should be there, no question and no debate.

“He probably has ‘better things to do’ with his terrible wife in the United States of America. A disgrace of epic proportions.”

Harry last returned to the UK eight months ago to unveil the statue of his late mother Diana, Princess of Wales, in London on July 1 with his brother Prince William.

However, he plans to fly to The Hague in the Netherlands in two weeks to participate in the Invictus Games for injured military service that he organizes.

The games will take place from April 16 to 22, which means Harry would have the opportunity to visit his grandmother on her 96th birthday on the 21st.

On March 11, a spokesman for the duke confirmed that he would not return to the UK for the service – but added that he hoped to visit his grandmother soon.

In April 2021, Harry flew back from California without Meghan, who was heavily pregnant at the time, to attend Philip’s funeral at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor.

Prince Harry and Prince Philip at the Rugby World Cup in Twickenham on 31 October 2015

Prince Harry and Prince Philip at the Rugby World Cup in Twickenham on 31 October 2015

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Harry sits alone at Philip’s funeral at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021

Royal writer Phil Dampier told MailOnline yesterday: “It’s very sad that Harry and Meghan won’t be at the funeral service for Prince Philip, and I think Harry might regret it one day.

“He has said that he doesn’t feel safe without the safety of Scotland Yard, but to me that sounds like an excuse not to return to the UK and shows that the rift with his blood family is still bad.

“Harry always liked his grandfather very much and felt deeply honoured when he took over from him as Captain General of the Royal Marines, but unfortunately it didn’t last long.

“The couple attended some commemoration day events together and there was always a relationship between them as both served military officers who had seen active service.”

Mr Dampier said Harry “loved” Philips’ sense of humor and praised him in interviews, adding that this made his absence “all the more puzzling and strange.”

He continued: “You get the impression that he is still very hurt by what happened between him and his father and his brother, and I’m sure they feel the same way, but to miss a monument to his beloved grandfather is tragic.

“Harry flew over for his funeral and the unveiling of the Diana statue, but hasn’t returned since.

“He will be at the Invictus Games in The Hague, but there must now be great doubts as to whether he will take part in one of the Queen’s platinum anniversary celebrations.

“I’m sure the Queen is very upset that he won’t be coming tomorrow, but she realizes she can’t get Harry to change his attitude at the moment.”

The Queen shed a tear for Prince Philip at today’s extraordinary service in memory of his remarkable life.

Her Majesty stood in Westminster Abbey, where she had personally ensured that her beloved husband’s last wishes were fulfilled after his Covid-stricken funeral left her alone without the rousing hymns and guests he loved so much.

The 95-year-old monarch used a stick when she was led to her place by her disgraced son, the Duke of York, to give her “strength and abode,” Philip, the farewell he desired, at a service attended by the royal family and his relatives, friends and people who benefited from his charities.

The Queen got up today and shed a tear for her husband at an extraordinary service in memory of his life

The Queen got up today and shed a tear for her husband at an extraordinary service in memory of his life

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Her Majesty sings surrounded by her family with the Duke of York also in the front row. From left to right, first row: Queen Elizabeth II, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Princess Royal, Vice-Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, the Duke of York, the Earl of Wessex, the Countess of Wessex, Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor and Viscount Severn. (Second row from left to right) The Duke of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, duchess of Cambridge, Peter Phillips, Isla Phillips, Savannah Phillips, Mia Tindall, Zara Tindall and Mike Tindall

Queen Elizabeth II, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Princess Royal, Vice-Admiral Sir Tim Laurence. (Second row from left to right) The Duke of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, duchess of Cambridge during a Thanksgiving service for the life of the Duke of Edinburgh

Queen Elizabeth II, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Princess Royal, Vice-Admiral Sir Tim Laurence. (Second row from left to right) The Duke of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, duchess of Cambridge during a Thanksgiving service for the life of the Duke of Edinburgh

Although struggling with mobility issues, she got up to pray and sing hymns during a 40-minute service that her 73-year-old husband had planned before his death last April. But Prince Andrew chose Prince Andrew to support her when she arrived and left the church, holding his elbow with one hand and a walking stick with the other.

The Queen had stood with tears in her eyes as the 1,800-strong congregation sang Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer before the bells of Westminster Abbey rang to mark the end of the memorial service for the Duke of Edinburgh.

After leaning on Andrew as she walked back from the church, the Queen seemed to make a grimace as she walked to the car bent over with the Duke of York at her side and leading her to the Bentley.

She seemed to be holding firmly on to her sticks and seemed to go to great lengths to get to the vehicle, with a lot of concentration at every step. As soon as she sat in the car, she seemed to be back to her normal, composed self as the car slowly drove away. She waved to the audience as she arrived and left the service.