The little ones were snatched from the hands of their parents, who had taken refuge in a tree while their trailer was swept away
The end of the world came in the middle of the night. It was two o’clock and pitch black when Amber and her husband Riley, in their twenties, received the flood warning. She looks out the window and sees water everywhere: her level goes from not worrying to alarming in seconds. Time to put dresses and jackets on her four children and her trailer begins to flood. Amber realizes that if they stayed indoors, they would have drowned. They all go out, but they had nowhere to go.
The family takes refuge on the roof of the caravan and believes they are safe there. They soon realize that their house would be swept away. Then they take a deep breath and jump off the roof of the caravan to a nearby tree, holding the older children (8 and 6 years) by the hand and hugging the younger ones (4 and 2 years).
Meanwhile, the water continues to rise all around and the rain continues to hit them. They see their trailer fly away. You try to ask for help but 911 blocks. They hold the kids for a few hours, then the fury of the water sucks the little ones up. Mom and Dad hold on to the tree for eight hours before they are rescued by a man in a kayak rowing from house to house to rescue those in need.
It was a cousin of Amber’s who told the story to a local newspaper, which was then reprinted by international newspapers. It is among tragic reports emerging in the wake of the disaster that struck Kentucky on the night between Wednesday July 27th and Thursday July 28th. Amber and Riley now face the greatest pain of surviving their children.
July 30, 2022 (Change July 30, 2022 | 14:23)