Ukraine rewards Serpent Island soldier who told Russians go fuck

Ukraine rewards Serpent Island soldier who told Russians go fuck yourself

Roman Hrybov, a member of the Ukrainian Border Guard, was on Zminyi Island (Snake Island) when a Russian ship demanded that he and his comrades surrender; the answer became the rallying cry of resistance against Putin.


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He became famous with a sentence addressed to a Russian warship: “go and fuck yourself“. Roman Hrybova member of the Ukrainian Coast Guard who arrived on February 24, the day Putin’s invasion began Ukraine, was on the island of Zminyi, the socalled “Snake Island, and has now returned to Cherkay. And waiting for him was a reward for his service.

At first it was thought that the military and all border guards were off snake island had been slaughtered by the Russians along with the President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who ensured that every soldier was posthumously awarded the title “Hero of Ukraine”. In fact, Roman and his comrades had been captured by the invaders on the ledge south of the port of Odessa when the city was attacked from Moscow. He was then released as part of a prisoner swap (which involved 19 Ukrainian sailors, including 13 from Snake Island) and was subsequently awarded a medal for services to the nation. “All prisoners were exchanged. there Russia made this suggestion. We exchanged them without hesitation… Those who are dead are heroes, said Zelenskyy.


Yesterday, March 30, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense stated that Hrybov was in its Cherkassy and tweeted a Video in which the Coast Guard receives a medal for their actions from the local authorities. Recordings of the Snake Island radio exchange in which Hrybov was involved were widely shared online and went viral on various social media channels. His ‘Go fuck yourself’ has become one battle cry for the defenders of Ukraine and was also thought of in one Stamp from the Ukrainian Post.

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