Russia demands explanations for the use of a UN vehicle

Russia demands explanations for the use of a UN vehicle by Ukrainian nationalists

Russia demands explanations for the use of a UN vehicle by Ukrainian nationalists

2022-03-30 07:55:31 / make radio

Russia demands explanations for the use of a UN vehicle by Ukrainian nationalists

Photo: Lev Radin/Sipa USA/Legion Media

During the United Nations Security Council meeting that took place in the last few hours, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations Organization (UN) Vasili Nebenzia asked the organization for clarifications regarding the use of a vehicle with its diplomatic plates the fighting near the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. According to Nebenzia, witnesses to the events indicate that the vehicle used by Ukrainian nationalists, with UN registration number DP210015, took part in military actions near the city. According to RT, the Russian representative indicated that Moscow was also aware of the use of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe vehicles by Ukrainian “radicals”. At the same time, he denounced the fact that the Ukrainian armed forces also use vehicles from the logistics company DHL to transport weapons. On the other hand, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations stressed that the unilateral sanctions imposed on his country could lead to a global economic crisis. “The real causes that threaten the international food market with severe turmoil do not lie in the actions of Russia, but in the hysteria of the non-stop sanctions that the West has waged against Russia without regard for the population of the countries of the so-called global South, “The attempt to isolate Russia economically, financially and logistically from the channels of cooperation that have been established for years is already leading to a crisis of historic proportions,” emphasized Nebenzia. Russia announced that military operations in the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv in northern Ukraine while negotiations with the Ukrainian government in Turkey progressed, the Russian Defense Ministry’s statement came after envoys of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy suggested at a meeting yesterday that their country could be sold in exchange for international security sguaranties assumes neutral status – one of Russia’s most important demands. The neutral status means that Kyiv refrains from any attempt to join military alliances such as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) or to have foreign military bases on its territory.

The Russian and Chinese foreign ministers emphasize that illegal unilateral sanctions against Russia are counterproductive

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov discussed the progress of the military operation in Ukraine and the development of dialogue with Kyiv during his meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on the eve of the third ministerial conference of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries, which will be held tomorrow in the Chinese city of Tunxi . The foreign ministers stressed that the illegal unilateral sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and its allies are counterproductive, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. In addition, Lavrov drew attention to the military-biological activities carried out by Washington in Ukraine. In his opening speech before the meeting, the Russian foreign minister noted that the world is going through an important stage in the history of international relations, by the end of which the global situation should be “significantly enlightened”. Likewise, Lavrov called on Russia’s allies to “work towards a multipolar, just and democratic world order.”

An indigenous governor is assassinated in Chocó, Colombia

Colombian indigenous organizations on Tuesday denounced the assassination of social and indigenous leader Sarcelino Lana in a rural area of ​​Chocó department. The Chocó Indigenous Committee condemned that Sarcelino Lana, who was currently the indigenous governor of the Tamandó Reserve in the municipality of Medio Atrato, had been kidnapped on March 25 by members of the Clan del Golfo. According to the indigenous organization, Lana was found lifeless on the banks of the Atrato River on Tuesday. They demanded from the Chocó Indigenous Table that the Colombian Public Prosecutor carry out the appropriate investigations to solve this murder. The Office of the Ombudsman had issued an alert for the municipality of Medio Atrato due to the presence of irregular armed groups threatening the municipality’s more than 9,000 residents.

The United Nations calls for respect for human rights in countering Salvadoran violence

United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres called on the Salvadoran authorities to respect human rights in the fight against the growing wave of violence that has erupted in the country in recent days, causing 87 killings over the past weekend. In a statement, the UN chief avoided hope that “actions taken in response would be consistent with international human rights laws and standards”; while expressing solidarity with the Salvadorans given the complex scenario at hand. The senior official also noted with concern the increase in violence and killings in the nation, which last Saturday, March 26, recorded 67 of the aforementioned killings, the highest known number in one day in the world. According to Telesur, the call comes amid reports of numerous abuses of power by the Salvadoran National Civil Police and armed forces in their fight against organized crime, including indiscriminate raids, harassment and abuse of journalists, and excessive strictness in the application of the 30-day exemption rule that was approved by the Legislative Assembly last Sunday.

Humanitarian aid agreed for the crisis in Afghanistan

Deputy Prime Minister of Afghanistan’s Provisional Government Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi on Tuesday met with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Administrator Achim Steiner with the aim of agreeing on an aid program for the country once the Afghanistan outbreak has ended some war. During the meeting in the Afghan capital, Kabul, UNDP representative Achim Steiner said that a total of $50 million has been earmarked for promoting economic programs in northern Afghanistan. In that sense, the official pointed out that $1.5 million will be allocated to diversify the work of women entrepreneurs in the north of this nation. Likewise, the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (Unama), Deborah Lyons, stressed the need to send reinforcements to the mission she heads to the Asian country to avoid its economic collapse. and a worsening of the humanitarian crisis. According to the entity, the scenario in Afghanistan has changed, for which the United Nations will consider the requests of Afghans to be fulfilled in order to mitigate the critical situation they are facing. It should be noted that on March 17, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution extending Unama’s mandate by one year, until March 17, 2023.