Blackout Danger Solar Storms Hit Earth Wednesday

Blackout Danger – Solar Storms Hit Earth Wednesday

There have been several outbursts in sunspot AR2975 since Monday. These caused solar storms that will hit Earth on Wednesday.

The sun’s surface is bubbling violently: earlier in the week there were more than 17 large explosions in the area of ​​sunspot AR2975. The US meteorological agency NOAA is now warning of several solar storms that could hit our planet on Thursday night (March 31).

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Possibility of global blackout and polar lights

Geomagnetic storms can have catastrophic effects on Earth. Not only do they threaten energy supply, but they can also result in a global Internet meltdown. In addition, interference from radio and mobile telephone networks may occur.

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According to the US Meteorological Agency, impending solar storms should pose only a “minor” threat to Earth. Instead, extensive northern lights are possible up to 55 degrees latitude (among other things at Copenhagen or Sylt level).

More >> Solar Storm Alarm – Northern Lights and Possible Power Failure

Incidentally, solar storms have no direct effect on the human body, as we are protected by the Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field.

1859 flashback

The last really big solar storm occurred in the late summer of 1859. At that time, the northern lights could be seen as far away as Rome, Cuba, and Hawaii. Further north, the telegraph lines were so stressed that the recipients’ papers caught fire.

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