Imagine earning 100,000 Canadian dollars (about R$400,000) a year to stay home and taste candy. A Canadian company is offering the position.
To apply for the position of ‘Chief Candy Officer’ (something like ‘Candy Director’, in free translation) at Candy Funhouse, no previous experience is required however the applicant must not have any food allergies and must have a ‘golden taste’.
The company also calls for a creative mind and a love of sweets. And in addition to the salary, the future employee who tastes at least 3,500 sweets a month! are entitled to a dental tariff.
The position is for anyone over the age of 5 (hi kids) but you must live in Canada or the United States because although the prospective tester can work from home, “at home” must be in Toronto, Canada. or in the Newark region of the State of New Jersey.
The future employer promises the future Chief Candy Officer “a lot of fun”, but also work: the contractor decides on the new inclusion in the catalog and the management of the “Candy Council” meetings.
The position has been posted on the professional market social network LinkedIn and applicants should apply by the end of this month.
But the competition is getting tough: In an interview with CNN USA, the company’s CEO, Jamal Hejazi, said he has already received thousands of applications, including entire families who have offered to share the responsibilities and work.