untold damage by Vladimir Putin time

untold damage by Vladimir Putin time


Punches left and right by Federico Rampini. The Corriere della Sera journalist is a guest in the studio of L’Aria che Tira, La7’s morning talk show hosted by Myrta Merlino, and on the conflict in Ukraine that he has for both the West and Russia on the path of vassalage to China: “If Russia can afford an uncompromising stance at the negotiating table, it is because, contrary to some overly optimistic descriptions we make in the West, this Russia is not as isolated as we think it is. There is a whole part of the world that takes a neutral or ambivalent stance on this conflict, a large part that includes the Arab world and India, then there is a China that is with Russia, there is a strategic axis between Moscow and Beijing , they are neither ambivalent nor neutral, they used very heavy words. There is economic support from China. It may be that China is wrong in its calculations, I do not pray, but this Russia stresses the journalist does not feel so isolated because it has an economic giant like China behind it.

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Rampini then hits Vladimir Putin, who is playing with fire: “In the long term, Putin will pay untold prices, leave this problem to the next three generations of the Russian people, they will realize what it means. “Russia is on the way to becoming a Chinese colony”.