Bidens son has ties to biolabs in Ukraine

Biden’s son has ties to biolabs in Ukraine

WASHINGTON – Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, is under scrutiny by the judiciary and public opinion today over investigations into illegal financial activities and apparent links to biolabs in Ukraine.

Media outlets such as the New York Post confirmed that Russia’s accusation that the president’s descendant “funded” biological laboratories in Ukraine, where Moscow is conducting a military operation to demilitarize and denazify the neighboring state, is true, according to the Kremlin.

According to emails verified by the Post, Hunter helped secure a multimillion-dollar contract between the US government and the medical company Metabiota, which provided services to Black & Veatch, another Pentagon contractor that develops biological plants built on Ukrainian soil.

Earlier, the British newspaper Daily Mail reported that it received emails from a Hunter laptop confirming the $500,000 investment in Metabiota by his company Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners.

The documents found suggest that Hunter played a prominent role in ensuring Metabiota could conduct its pathogen research just a few hundred miles from the Russian border, the article said.

The Russian Defense Ministry last week accused the Rosemont Seneca Thornton investment fund and the Soros Fund of complicity in funding suspected Pentagon-sponsored bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine.

What is striking is the involvement of structures close to the current leadership of the United States, particularly the investment fund led by Hunter Biden, in funding these facilities, reported Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, commander of the Radiation Protection Forces, Chemical and Biological the Russian Army.

Parallel to this matter, the US Department of Justice investigation into Hunter Biden’s commercial activities has gained strength in recent days.

The investigation, launched in 2018, relates to his varied financial and commercial activities abroad, dating back to the time when the 52-year-old lawyer’s father was Vice President of Barack Obama (2009-2017), and analyzes whether they involved money laundering or acted tax evasion.

The CNN chain recalled today how the ongoing investigation raises questions about the ethics and behavior of the president’s son, fueling political attacks from his opponents.

2019 the judgment at that time donald trump pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens over Hunter’s work for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, and eventually led the Republican mogul to his first unharmed impeachment trial.

This Tuesday, in an interview with Just The News, the former White House chief publicly asked the Russian President: Wladimir Putinrevealing “every dirt” he might have on Hunter Biden.