Rainbow scam how much damage the pacifists did

Rainbow scam how much damage the pacifists did


Iuri Maria Prado March 30, 2022

The other night they invited me to a show to talk about war and peace and whether or not to send weapons to the Ukrainians. Then the thing started. Let’s say the fate of the world hadn’t changed, but if I had gone I would have said so. I would have said that we must send arms to the Ukrainians, because the alternative to resistance is not peace: the alternative to resistance is another chance for the victory of pacifist peace, which is another matter. It is peace as we have seen it always and everywhere, wherever there was will and force, while the West stands by. It is the peace of the slaughtered. It’s the peace of stoned adulterers. It’s the peace of girls with mutilated genitals. It’s the peace of the girls who can’t study. It is the peace of outlawed and tortured homosexuals. It is the peace of denied civil rights. It’s the peace of prisons full of dissidents. It is the peace of liberty that comes after equality and makes all equal in lack of liberty. It is the oppressive peace in the world which, however, does not solicit pacifist urgencies, because pacifist urgencies are aroused when it comes to a Western, preferably AngloSaxon, guilt hypothesis. It’s the peace of lies, the peace of bleached history. The calm brought by the thoughtful commentator at the start of the “special operation” in Ukraine says: “Well, but the Russians pledge not to scare the people”. The peace that another fluffy journalist brings to this when a hospital is bombed, in short, we have to be careful because they may have accidentally hit the hospital, and then, madam, there is a lot of misinformation. The weapons of the Ukrainian resistance are against this peace, which is not peace. The weapons of the Ukrainian resistance are intended to fight against those who want to call the attacker’s victory the name of peace.