Is China helping Russia in the war Bidens and the

Is China helping Russia in the war? Biden’s and the EU’s suspicions of deliveries from Beijing

The West fears that China could play a crucial role in the war between Russia and Ukraine by helping the Kremlin win with secret deals

By: VirgilioNotizie | Published on: 30.03.2022 12:36


There are suspicions from the United States and Europe about the role of the China in War between Russia and Ukraine. Allegedly, Beijing is secretly helping Moscow deal with the current major economic difficulties caused by the sanctions imposed by the Western bloc on the Vladimir Putinled country. Measures that the superpower Far East immediately opposed.

China: “Unlimited cooperation with Russia”

The bilateral agreement between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and the Russian Sergey Lavrov, at the end of which there was talk of a SinoRussian cooperation that “it has no borders“.

“We strive for boundless peace, safeguard boundless security and resist boundless hegemony.” Relations between the two countries “they are not confrontational and they are not addressed to third parties and will continue to be geared towards the exercise of “genuine multilateralism.

Dragons in Parliament: "EU must talk to Beijing for peace, China does not support Moscow".  Her words

What Draghi Draghi said in Parliament: “China does not support Moscow”

The Council President reported to Parliament ahead of the European Council, which opens in Brussels tomorrow

Biden’s suspicions are shared by NATO, the G7 and the EU

Joe Biden met with allies of Bornof G7 andEuropean Union in a series of summits in the Old Continent that spoke not only about the conflict in the East, but also about the actions China would take, taking advantage of the crisis that is affecting the entire West.

Moscow and Beijing do not officially Aid treaties were signed during this time of war and therefore none exist specific notice that help is coming to the Kremlin from the East.

From China to ammunition and technology to Russia

China would be ready to deliver semiconductor and technological material to Russia, and perhaps he would have started doing so while declaring neutral to the ongoing war.

At such a delicate moment means military and Men they would certainly not go unnoticed. The situation is different with regard to spare Parts and maybe, ammunitionas the Pentagon speculates.

Is China helping Russia in the war?  Biden's and the EU's suspicions of deliveries from BeijingRussian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

Joe Biden poised to isolate China from the world

The G7 and NATO countries, said Joe Biden, are creating one observatory to possible violations of sanctions. The US President spoke in a video conference with Xi Jinping threatened its Chinese counterpart.

If Beijing’s aid to Moscow were confirmed and continued, the White House No. 1 said, China would undermine its own growth economically and its role in the international market.

NATO and European Union requests to China

NATO asked China to “formalise thatabstention to support Russia’s war effort in any way” and “avoid any action that will help the country evade sanctions”.

The European Union is also asking the Beijing government for a neutral position after the long silence, as it has not openly denounced the invasion of Ukraine and the abstention at the United Nations on resolutions against Moscow.

European UnionChina Summit on Ukraine

From sources near the European Council and to Commission European It turns out that the community’s ruling class would be deeply concerned.

The focus of the upcoming summit between presidents Karl Michael and Ursula von der Leyen with the Prime Minister Li Kequiang and the president Xi Jinping there will be the Ukrainian question.

The goal becomes acritical moment for EUChina relations, “as one executive told Cnbc, and will serve to ensure full security”China’s neutrality“So that he does not help Russia.

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