There is too much machismo Merkel must be involved and

“There is too much machismo. Merkel must be involved and treated at a high level »

by Stefano Montefiori

Former Socialist Minister: There is no real mediation, it just seems to be a competition between strong men. I also see confusion in the help we send

Sgolne Royal became the first woman to reach the second round of the French presidential election, narrowly defeated by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007. Before and after this appointment, she has served as Minister on several occasions, President of the PoitouCharentes region, Member of Parliament and has often grappled with machismo in politics, starting with the famous joke but who keeps the children? uttered by socialist party comrade Laurent Fabius, certainly not much encouragement in the struggle to conquer the Elysée. The interview about the war in Ukraine and the French presidential elections on April 10th and 24th takes place through the prism of denouncing male supremacy.

What do you think of the invasion launched by Putin and the world’s reaction?

Since Angela Merkel left the scene, only men have been seen, from the television studios to the management of Covid to the G7 meetings. The leaders of the most industrialized countries are all men, a power imbalance that must have consequences. I see a lot of testosterone and machismo, a kind of competition between men who have to prove they are stronger. In the language, in the postures, I notice forms of infantilism.

The proponent of this attitude is not Putin, who started the war?

Certainly, and not from today with these images riding a shirtless horse, this demonstration of muscles. The others are afraid of being outdone, of being accused of giving in to bullying, and so react in the same way when they’d better not fall on the same level. Did you see the G7 family photo from last week?

What’s wrong with this photo?

Now they’re all men, as I said, but then they strike a ridiculous pose, between the quarrelsome, the showoff, and the narcissistic lover, when they should adjust to the seriousness of the situation and think of restoring peace, the only goal.

To be honest, apart from the concrete support of Ukraine through aid and arms deliveries, there are many attempts at diplomacy. Macron had dozens of phone calls with Putin months ago, and Draghi also spoke to the Russian President yesterday.

These are commendable efforts that must be made. But there is no real mediation, the ongoing negotiations between Russians and Ukrainians cannot lead to anything.


I got to know this type of negotiation when I was Minister for the Environment and Energy, dealing with the dossiers that would later lead to the Paris climate accords. If the negotiators are not at a high level, they have no political weight, the discussions become folkloric, commas are argued over for years. The Paris Accords were only signed because, at a certain point, leaders decided that a result had to be reached, not because of the work of the negotiators.

Do you think that same will is missing now? Or rather Putin, who keeps bombing?

My impression is that Ukraine and Russia should be left alone while diplomatic intervention at the highest level should be triggered. For example, Angela Merkel, Turkey and Israel could join forces to take the deal to the next level. Western governments are so involved in helping Ukraine that we don’t even try to call ourselves mediators. There are phone calls, which do no harm, and technical negotiations between Ukrainians and Russians that have no real political mandate, and there is no highlevel mediation. The help we send is also quite confusing. Each country sends weapons, then some companies withdraw from the Russian market, others stay. I think things could be better because neither Ukraine nor Russia will be able to win this war. Many other countries around the world have understood this.

What other countries, for example?

African countries. They are amazed and outraged to see a senseless war on Europe’s borders, which will result in appalling wheat shortages, for which they will be the first to pay. The famine that has been announced will affect Africa in particular, and let us remember the revolts that broke out about ten years ago after the rise in food prices.

The war in the Ukraine also overshadowed the race for the Elysée in France. We’ll vote in 10 days. Do you think the games are made for Macron’s benefit?

Not at all, anything can still happen. Aside from who becomes President, we should still be asking ourselves what would be the best policy for France. If Macron is reconfirmed, I hope he implements less rightwing politics than he has been doing so far. Anyway, better him than Marine Le Pen.

Do you think Marine Le Pen, who is rising in the polls, can win?

Of course he didn’t say his last word. It can get into the Elysée, a bit like Trump managed despite long predictions to the contrary.

Eric Zemmour ran for the extreme right, claiming that Marine Le Pen will never win.

A somewhat macho exit, combined with a typical form of reaction of those white men who are said to be heterosexual and afraid of losing power.

A life in the Socialist party, she has been heavily criticized for saying the left’s useful voice is not for Socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo but for JeanLuc Mlenchon, who has since gone from strength to strength.

I’m still thinking. Anne Hidalgo didn’t seem up to it. Support them, for a woman would not serve the cause of women.

March 30, 2022 (Change March 30, 2022 | 22:51)