FAO praises transformations in agri food systems in Cuba › World

FAO praises transformations in agri-food systems in Cuba › World › Granma

Speaking to the press, the representative of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Havana, Marcelo Resende, praised the transformations of the agricultural and food systems that Cuba is promoting.

The delegate explained that these guidelines are in line with the postulates of the 37th Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean, which will be held in Quito, Ecuador until next Friday, reports Prensa Latina agency.

He also referred to the forthcoming intervention of the Cuban Minister of Agriculture, Idael Pérez, this Wednesday at the aforementioned event on measures to improve production, nutrition, the environment and quality of life in relation to nutrition and food security and sovereignty.

He highlighted the approved programs for the decentralization of agricultural policy and the plans for the realization of a more horizontal agriculture with the participation of the territories from decisions to concrete strategies leading to the production, marketing and consumption of agricultural products. He also highlighted the adoption of the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Plan and the Food Sovereignty and Security Bill in Cuba.

FAO has recently turned its attention to sustainable food systems to provide healthy nutrition for all, jobs for prosperous and inclusive rural societies, and sustainable and resilient agriculture.