You criticize Angela Aguilar for her bad behavior towards an

You criticize Ángela Aguilar for her bad behavior towards an older adult

Angela Aguilar: Fans call them

Ángela Aguilar: Fans call her ‘arrogant’ for bad attitude | Instagram

Recently the famous singer Mexican Ángela Aguilar received very bad comments for presenting a bad attitude with an older adult and some even called her “arrogant”.

It is worth noting that this action was captured on video and, as expected, quickly went viral on various social networks.

There is no doubt that Ángela Aguilar is a talented and educated singer, but a viral video on TikTok could reveal that the daughter of Pepe Aguilar He doesn’t know much about good manners

It may interest you: Pepe Aguilar makes Ángela Aguilar spend an awkward moment

The video shows the young woman approaching the glass door accompanied by her father and her legendary pet “Gordo”, a delicate black pug who was the star of Los Premios Lo Nuestro 2022.

So an older man, who probably works in the room where the video is set, expects just outside to open the door for Ángela Aguilar.

However, despite the act of chivalry, Pepe Aguilar’s daughter doesn’t thank the older adult and doesn’t even dare to exchange a glance with him, while frantically turning in a different direction as she walks on with her pet.

Ángela Aguilar: Fans call her “arrogant” because of her bad attitude.

However, Angela Aguilar’s demeanor, which some TikTok users called “arrogant” and “aloof,” changed as the numbers grew, when she started smiling like she usually does in interviews.

In the comments on the controversial video, some said they were disappointed with Ángela Aguilar’s behavior, while others blamed her parents, who certainly didn’t teach the young girl good manners and didn’t allow her to earn the reputation she already had Has.


It’s true that some think that “bad manners” are genetic, but since Pepe Aguilar has also starred in similar scenes, he didn’t stop thanking the adults this time.

For their part, there are also fans of Ángela Aguilar who claim that she can get distracted by the conversation, not paying attention to her behavior towards the elderly, or that she is having a bad day.