Ukraine Trump If Putin Had Damaging Information About Biden He

Ukraine, Trump: “If Putin Had Damaging Information About Biden, He Should Disclose It”

The war in Ukraine is also finding its way into American domestic politics. Donald Trump has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to release any harmful information about the Biden family, particularly Hunter Biden, the son of the current US President. “I would say that if Putin knew the answer, he should make it known and we should know it,” the tycoon said in an interview published by JustTheNews. A few days ago Trump had said that Putin like Xi Jinping and Kim Jongun was “smart”, intelligent, but made a “big mistake” invading Ukraine (WAR IN UKRAINE: THE SPECIAL THE UPDATES ALIVE ).

Moscow’s allegations against Hunter Biden

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Trump’s appeal comes after Moscow last week accused President Joe Biden’s son Hunter of cofunding Pentagon labs in Ukraine (particularly anthrax) with billionaire George Soros to develop biological weapons. “Of course we will ask for explanations. And not just us. As you know, China has already asked for clarification,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. The allegations against Hunter Biden, who already ended up in the list of American figures affected by Russian countersanctions, were Igor Kirillov, head of the Army’s Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Department. The Russian executive claims that the investment company owned by the American leader’s son Rosemont Seneca, with at least $2.4 billion in investment capital, has a “close relationship” with key suppliers to the Pentagon’s “31 biolabs around the world” and is at the Involved in financing the Biological Program of Kyiv. As evidence, he explained, documents were being confiscated from Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Documents underlying the diagram released by the Moscow Ministry of Defense reconstructing the web of alleged links between Ukrainian laboratories and American funding. “The scale of the program is impressive,” Kirillov said, condemning the involvement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Soros Open Society Foundation, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Cdc). The White House has always denied such reports, accusing Moscow of using these false flag operations for false flag operations to use chemical or biological weapons.