Belinda erases the tattoos she got for love of Christian

Belinda erases the tattoos she got for love of Christian Nodal

Posted in PROMINENTS on 03/29/2022 21:25

Everything seems to point to it Christian Nodal wasn’t the only one who decided to erase all memories of Belinda from his skinWell, she did the same and removed from her body one of the tattoos made in honor of her fiancé, like the beautiful actress in her last appearance on networks during the promotional tour of the new series “Welcome to Eden”, from Netflix.

And that’s it Let’s recall months after Nodal and Belinda started their romance, Both shared on their social media that the number “4” was tattooed on their hands. to remember the day they became friends.

Belinda reappears in the new series Welcome to Eden
Photo: Instagram @belindapop

Later, Christian Nodal boasted to his social media followers that the “Luz Singravida” performer had a tattoo of the singer’s initials on her ankle in a heart

A few years ago, Belinda revealed in an interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante that she recently had a red heart tattooed on which she would put the initials of the love of her life when i met him

In a video circulating around networks, Belinda can be seen posing with her dog in hand and reveals that Nodal’s initials are no longer on her ankle. Although it is not clear from the pictures if the tattoo was covered in makeup or completely erased.

Belinda reappears without Nodal’s tattoo
Photo: TikTok Capture @brenncalderonn

These pictures prove that Belinda removed Christian Nodal’s tattoo: