Man accidentally walks NAKED in the background of his husbands

Man accidentally walks NAKED in the background of his husband’s Zoom work call

A video captures the hilarious moment a man accidentally stepped completely naked into the background of his husband’s Zoom call – before dropping to the floor to hide when he realized he was on screen .

Jason Bowers, 35, just got out of the shower and was completely naked when he entered the bedroom he shares with partner Damian Mlotkowski, also 35, at their home in West Hollywood, California.

First, Jason typed a message on his phone and didn’t realize that Damian was in his weekly Zoom meeting – and that he was caught in the camera feed.

But as soon as he looked up and saw himself on screen, he panicked and dropped to the floor to escape the camera.

Jason Bowers, 35, had just showered and was naked when he entered the bedroom he shares with partner Damian Mlotkowski, also 35, at their home in West Hollywood, California

Jason Bowers, 35, had just showered and was naked when he entered the bedroom he shares with partner Damian Mlotkowski, also 35, at their home in West Hollywood, California

First, Jason typed a message on his phone and didn't realize that Damian was in his weekly Zoom meeting - and that he was caught in the camera feed

First, Jason typed a message on his phone and didn’t realize that Damian was in his weekly Zoom meeting – and that he was caught in the camera feed

“I had no idea he was at a meeting,” Jason said of the Dec. 2 mishap. “I was so focused on the message I was writing that I didn’t look up so I couldn’t see he was on the phone.

“Damian was looking down at the time, so he didn’t see me coming in either,” he continued.

“As I entered the room, I began to realize that the voices I heard might have been a Zoom meeting, which I then looked up to and, yes, I was right!

“I dropped to the floor because I was so embarrassed they might have seen me naked and if they dropped to the floor hopefully they wouldn’t be able to see me.

“As I fell to the ground, I started laughing hysterically because I had no idea what they were looking at,” he said.

1648756100 919 Man accidentally walks NAKED in the background of his husbands

“As I walked into the room, I began to realize that the voices I heard might have been a Zoom meeting, which I then looked up to and, yes, I was right!” he said

As soon as he looked up and saw himself on the screen, he panicked and dropped to the ground to escape the camera As soon as he looked up and saw himself on the screen, he panicked and dropped to the ground to escape the camera

As soon as he looked up and saw himself on the screen, he panicked and dropped to the ground to escape the camera

Real estate agent Damian saw exactly what was happening behind him, his eyes widened in surprise and a smile crossed his lips.

He quickly turned off his camera, but not before his co-workers started laughing and his boss said, “Nude is fun!”

Luckily, a well-placed chair protected Jason’s modesty.

“I was having my worst nightmare, I was embarrassed but also hilarious,” said Jason, a Paramount producer.

“My first reaction was, ‘Thank God the chair was there,’ and my second reaction was, ‘Why does it look like I fell through a hole in the floor?’

“I was mortified, but overall I think it’s such a fun moment,” he said.

Real estate agent Damian saw exactly what was happening behind him, his eyes widened in surprise and a smile crossed his lips

Real estate agent Damian saw exactly what was happening behind him, his eyes widened in surprise and a smile crossed his lips

He quickly turned off his camera, but not before his colleagues started laughing and his boss said:

He quickly turned off his camera, but not before his co-workers started laughing and his boss said, “Nude is fun!”

In fact, he found it funny enough to share on TikTok on March 9th. It has been viewed almost half a million times on the app.

“That one time I video bombed my husband’s Zoom meeting naked,” he wrote. “I’ll never live this out. PPE Be careful walking around the house naked!’

Later that evening, the couple attended the real estate agency’s Christmas party, and everyone laughed at the mistake of working from home.

“I would say that blurred backgrounds were created for these types of situations, so use them,” said Jason. “But also get a cool boss who handles glitches like a champ!”